Growing in a 1 bedroom condo


Active Member
First off Im up in Canada, laws are prettty slack for pot, gotta love it.

I am going to be growing in a 1 bedroom condo. Low rise, top floor.
The plan is to stage the living room and just go all out in the 1 large bedroom.
We will be using the closet for a young veg/cloning area and the actual room
will have 3 or 4 1000w HPS lights.

I will be growing in soil. I am going to drywall over the bay window and use the area on the inside (about 8 square feet) for my exhaust through a carbon filter.

Im just going to put a hole in the wall through to the living room for an intake then make sure everything is airtight, I will also be making a poly "airlock" by the door to reduce on odors and keep a level air pressure. I think if I can keep the air pressure in the room slightly lower then outside that I can just keep all odors outside through the filter and window.

Im not worried about the landlord its not a rental and the building managers are on the opposite side of the building on the first floor, and they dont care about much.

We are just starting the first clones now, and are in the possess of getting all our gear.

Im wondering if anyone has any advice or tips? Maybe anything I might not have thought of? Any info or advice is always appreciated.

:joint: Cheers


Well-Known Member
wow man ur crazy how big is ur apartment i reccomnd using 1 , 1000 hps light per room
so if u have 3 rooms
only use 3hps lights

but if u think u can get away with it go ahead
i live in canada there slacker s but dont forgot conservatives are in government and theyve reversed alot of the pot laws


Active Member
....its a 1 bedroom condo like the post says, its a big room, 12 x 14 + closet, way way too big for 1 light. Gotta love


Active Member
No specific number. As many plants as we have ready to go into the flowering room. We probably wont end up flowering more that 20-30 at a time at first...but I want room to We will probably only start out with 1 or 2 lights, but I have found a lot of good deals on Craigslist lately for 1000w HPS light kits so I figure might as well get them if I can.


Active Member
Thats the plan. Just planted some Renae #1 seeds that are sprouting, and some green crack clones on the way.


Active Member
So much kush been going around lately I wanted something new. Purple kush has been everywhere lately for me, just got quarter an hour ago, ha.


Well-Known Member
the afghan kush i got says its for medical purposes it has the highest concentration of thc out of all the plants ive grown

u should try madness or amnesia


Well-Known Member
Are you sleeping in this place? And if so where?

You said the place is owned, who owns it? I know carbon filters work "well" but if you deck out a 10x 10 room with 3-4 1ks and plants. You are going to have some serious odor for the living situation I am imagining. That not to mention out of proportion electic bills.

I would slow grow the OP maybe starting with one or two k. You may need a 300-800mg of ozone in the exhaust line and or apartment if you wont be there.. And in the exhaust line if you do live there. Have you ever grown 30 plants before or been a room that had 30 in flower?


Active Member
Im planning on buying 4 lights because they are cheap on craigslist right now. Maybe 1 for the closet, But I want to have 3 for the flowering area, about 11x11 I just want the lights to the in a triangular configuration, run 2 lights at a time. 2 lights always running, each light runs for 8 hours, every 4 hours a different like gets a 4 hour break. This will greatly reduce on heat and should work out nicely once it gets going.

I also just want to say just because I have 3 or 4 lights I never said I would be constantly running them, I just want to have the option.

Also I will be running maybe 600w in the closet.

I am quite aware of odors and the electricity, Im not worried about it. Like I said in the beginning I will be drywalling over a bay window, its 3 windows that recess into the wall about 2 feet, and 6 feet wide but it tapers in. I will leave a hole to the small area (about 2x6) where the windows are, and where my 2 carbon filters will be. I will just use poly and tape to seal it all up once the carbon filters are in place and the window is ajar. I know carbon filters are not perfect, I could care less. As long as the odors are going out the window its not a problem.

I will be making a poly air lock on the inside of the door, and another on the outside hall. The exhaust will keep the air pressure lower then my living room and everything else so it will only get air from my intake.

When Im here I will just be crashing on my couch, or I may leave my bed in the living room...why not, you cant see it from the door.

I will also be making some buckets with fans on the top, drill holes around the bucket, and then fill the bucket with ONA odor killer and water, put the fan on the top and there you go.

Did I miss anything?

My biggest question is Should I get an ozonator and put it in my exhaust area? Will these things make a difference?


Well-Known Member
I used one while growing in a closet i used to grow in. I was growing just 4 plants but they smelled horrible. The real problem was that i was living on the 23 floor of a high rise and i tried making my own carbon filters.

I ened up buying an ozonator and had ok results. Once i change the set-up and basically pulled air into a "box" before my final passive exhaust(i guess pushed but not directly). I put the oxonator in the box and the air all mixed up with the ozone bouncing around in there killed all the smells.

Other great think about ozone is if you get one that does say 400mg/h or above you can due some emergency smell "shock" elimination if something were to go wrong in less than 5 minutes. You need to be careful with ozone though obviously. Mine actually has an option to run 2 seconds every minute at 400 mg/hr. I would do something like this when i run it where im breathing the air.

That ONA smell is kind of strong and i actually find it nausiating . Definitely does mask the smell though(supposed to neutralize it,but smells strong). Definitely cheaper too.
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Active Member
/<windows/exhaust area \
| vent/\ |

Theres a crude example, the ==== is the drywall covering the window, looking down obviously. That whole area will be sealed off, thats where the filters will be, and now possibly the ozonator.

There should be no air ever coming back in from the exhaust area where the window is. Im thinking this should work. Im top floor of my building, end unit, lots of stoners, nice building but not huge.

If I can keep the exhaust area sealed an ano bucket would do nicely.
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