Growing Growing Growing


New Member
Oh I am not done yet :) I still have weeks to go. I only topped 2 purple crack plants (4.5lbs) It's gonna be a good yearbongsmilie Some ridiculous winds ripping across the garden all night and still going strong. As soon as my upload button for pics comes back I will be happy to share.
thanks, i am looking forward to seeing these photos :)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Yeah I got a bunch of pics to upload once this site fixes it's shit. For drying, I like to hang dry 12-18 inch branches for a week or two at 65-70 degrees humidity at 50%. Then just before stem snaps I jar for curing. Burp and check on them as needed. I have a 30'x40' insulated shop to use this year, so the kids don't have to go to school smelling like harvest :lol:
hahahaha you know they love it lol...i really want to know do you just trim fan leafs, leaving the sugar leafs and hang or do you do a full wet trim.....i only ask because it seems more common for growers to leave the sugar leafs on now (i assume the bho fad has allot to do with it) and i heard that by leaving these leafs on, the buds dry slower making for a tastier smoke......

now im assuming that with that much bud you would be the most likley to know, and its clear youve been doing this a fair while....

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I remove all leaf without trichs on first cut (Sun leafs and tips of sugar leafs), Then hang dry and cure. The choice nugs go in my massive half gallon jar collection of (100+) Then the rest into totes for a "tote cure" that cures 5-10 pounds at a time. Honestly on a scale of my size I should: Twister trimmer my whole garden and dry in hanging drying racks. Thanks for the cross the pond garden love...


Well-Known Member
dude. can only imagine the yeild lol. def gonna try to have a set up similiar to this for my outdoor grow next yr lol.
idk about 40x40 cuz thats thug life lol maybe 25 x 25 and start em in tent in jan/febuary double veg for like 10 ft
fucking behemoths.... hope i can make this work.

u da fucking man GB ur harvest is gonna be epic. enjoy sir. sucks sleeping in a fucking tent lol i know it

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
dude. can only imagine the yeild lol. def gonna try to have a set up similiar to this for my outdoor grow next yr lol.
idk about 40x40 cuz thats thug life lol maybe 25 x 25 and start em in tent in jan/febuary double veg for like 10 ft
fucking behemoths.... hope i can make this work.

u da fucking man GB ur harvest is gonna be epic. enjoy sir. sucks sleeping in a fucking tent lol i know it
If thug life is 40x40, I am running 45x45 and going to 50x50 next year LOL


Well-Known Member
I been playin some gta 5 been slackin on trimmin lol im gonna start back up tmw im such a slacker hahahaha smokin on some funky thou yummmy


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got a bunch of pics to upload once this site fixes it's shit. For drying, I like to hang dry 12-18 inch branches for a week or two at 65-70 degrees humidity at 50%. Then just before stem snaps I jar for curing. Burp and check on them as needed. I have a 30'x40' insulated shop to use this year, so the kids don't have to go to school smelling like harvest :lol:
"so the kids don't have to go to school smelling like harvest"
My dry room is my office which is right next to my kids room. The hallway outside the doors stinks to high heaven when I'm drying. PLaning on getting a charcoal canister and fan just for the drying room so my house wont smell like a coffee shop in amsterdam. OK ok I know the coffee shop's don't smell like dank, they smell like cigarette smoke but you get the idea...


Well-Known Member
GB you should think about buying at least 1 of these $500 trimming machines. You can always sell it on craigslist if you don't like it......Good luck brother, I just want you to live to see the BBQ! lol!


Well-Known Member
gta is sweet shit ive gotten my dick sucked, lap dances, flyed a plane killed some methheads all in one day SWEETTTT hahaha I tried to be a cheapfuck n just have gamefly send it too me but they ended up sending something else so I just went ahead and bought it, haven't played the online part yet i didn't even turn it on today till i was done trimming cause i knew i would just keep playin lol

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I already harvested 5 tops and 1 whole (needed the space). I have been going hard between trimming and security watch. I need some vaca for sure. DSCN3778_zpsda40538f.jpgDSCN3797_zpsae9c4ac6.jpgDSCN3800_zps369dc170.jpg


Not the biggest fan of soup anyways haha :eyesmoke:
Ive been under a rock for a while didn't realise how far along you were, looks awesome man if I were you I'd be walking around with a smile from ear to ear.
Happy trimming!!


Well-Known Member
I see you going hard brother keep it up!
Your crew looks like they're pulling serious weight! great job to you and yours GB!
That vacation awaits just like that huge return for your seasons worth of bustin ass and taking names!

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I see you going hard brother keep it up!
Your crew looks like they're pulling serious weight! great job to you and yours GB!
That vacation awaits just like that huge return for your seasons worth of bustin ass and taking names!
Just me for the most part, I had some Idaho-homies help. But they got so stoned that I was leading a retarded circus. I have skills to pay the bills on scissors lol....

Lemon king

Well-Known Member