Growing Gods please advise !!! think im having some issues !!

Ok… maybe I’m just tripping but I don’t think I am… I just moved my girls from my ebb and flow with CFL to my Aquamist and 400w MH and I don’t think they are doing too well … everything went smoothly except yesterday I had a fan go out and temps went up to 86 degrees for around 12-15 hours. PPM is at 310 and PH rose to 68. I corrected the PH and it is currently at 60

Nutes: CNS17 approximately as directed

FYI- my chick said that when she noticed the temps rising the misted the plants several times throughout the day until I got home.. don't know if that helped or hurt...

here's some pics: IMAG0605.jpgIMAG0606.jpgIMAG0608.jpg

Thanks all !!



In general, it's usually not a good idea to mist plants with the lights on especially if you're misting with just water. The droplets act like magnifying glasses and can somewhat burn the plants. IMO I'd give them some more time to perk back up before you get too worried about the whole situation. But, I'm relatively new to the whole scene so take my advice with a grain of salt. Good luck with your grow though man.


Active Member
try bending those stalks back and forth gently they look alittle weak. thtll give them trunks not stalks. dont go bending too crazy unless u plan on LST and tieing them down are they clones?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
JoBe - right, never wet your foliage and put it under strong light.

I have to tell you, if I got upset every time my plants looked that "bad", I'd have a nervous breakdown. Between my veg & flowers, I pretty much remove a handfull of leaves every day.
JoBe - right, never wet your foliage and put it under strong light.

I have to tell you, if I got upset every time my plants looked that "bad", I'd have a nervous breakdown. Between my veg & flowers, I pretty much remove a handfull of leaves every day.
Ok.. guess im getting a little to crazy .. thanks