Growing Full plants in Cloner?

I've been using a home built a clone box with pvc, mini sprinklers and a pond pump which works great for clones, would I be able to run this type of system with a plant all the way through from clone to harvest if I had a big enough container and nutrients.

Dr. Awkward

You system sounds similar to something I built. I've done it. And it works pretty well for flowering.

When they get bigger they fall over - so be ready to prop them up.


Yeah I've been doing a lot of research about this topic and from this thread here.

Fucking great, you just might have to get bigger basket's and something to hold the roots so they aren't in the water. The guy only has to use one setup and he can drag that system to the next stage (veg for example) and so on. Not saying he does it that way, but you can.

All explained in that thread...

Good luck sir


Active Member
You bet.. it's just a smaller hydroponic setup.. or aeroponic.. whatever you have. Yeah it'll work