Growing friends


Active Member
The other day a friend of mine that also grows came over and he brought someone with him that also grows. We had diffrent conversations about growing, just shareing grow stories from our noob days to now. laughing at the "man i broke a stem while topping", "nute burning", and dieing slowly while waiting for harvest" stories. we even did some trades for seeds and showed off our most prized seeds. It was great. We even smoked eatch of our own grow. The only thing about having growing friends is the thought of them geting busted then ratting on you. Growing can be such a lonley hobby. Always being proud of your grow and wanting to tell sombody, or even ask questions. I have no choice but to post threads and ask for help, even though you guys give excellent info, just. Do anyone else feel the same, are we all some lonly growers hidden in society because the government exilled us and labeled us criminals that support mafias. is our facebook!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my two best friends grow and I am glad of it because I love to talk with them about things.


Global Moderator
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No Tell
No Sell
No Smell

It is a mantra to live by my friend because once the cat is out of the bag it is impossible to put it back in. :cool:


I had A care giver { we have medical in my state} and he hooked me up with a VK mother plant and fell off the face of the earth. I was supposed to teach him how to cook [ make oil and butter and stuff] and he was gonna teach me how to grow.....So now I have no one to ask accept the people on here a lot ,watch vids...... THANK GOD FOR THIS SITE!!! I have a small grow 8 plants and I am doing the best I can and ALWAYS willing to listen to advice....So anyway GOOD LUCK .....SMOKE ON


Global Moderator
Staff member
You might think of starting a journal to make it easier for people to follow your grow & give helpful hints.

And welcome to RIU bro. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I'm so lonely that late at night I have long and intelligent conversations with my plants under the premise of 'supplying extra co2'.
Lol... RUI does comfort me... and i'm no social outkast lol but its lonely not being able to share your work, i guess thats the point... speaking off... i have a ghetto fab lotsa lovin grow going right now!!


Well-Known Member
Dude I feel that, I usually toke up when i get home from work (or im sober) and wait a couple hours for my girlfriend to get home from her job. (cant work on plants at night due to light schedule). I look on here, and facebook, and youtube, blah blah and practically have conversations with my self, or within my self. The weed its self is almost a second personality within me, showing me the secrets i totally miss while sober. Every night I see the world for what it really is, and that is a dangerous mistake of a planet and species.

I might be a new dad to a girl, an ex 3-4 week fling had (that i was unsure weather it was mine all along). It will be my first kid, (if it is mine, find out in a few weeks dna test) my current girlfriend supports me on it and all. But i have had complete break downs at work and shit (mostly because of the situation, my lack of any feeling for the mother actually more hate than anything, which has resulted in me not really caring about the kid although i have yet to meet her.) ... The weed calms my mind, and shows me that all kids, situations, and relationships are a total cluster fuck, and enables me to simply embrace the chaos to come.

This world is such a pile of shit, and herb makes it just a little less shitty if only for a brief while.


Well-Known Member
We are all loners, but NOT alone. We have each other on here, hopefully most of us have supportive family members that we can talk openly about growing with.

If the cat gets out of the bag, its not a huge deal guys, within an hour, most of us could have our grows packed up, and disposed of if things got bad. My rule is IF THERE IS A KNOCK AND TALK FROM POLICE, walk outside, deny any involvement in illegal activity, and after you come back inside, your new goal is relocation and breakdown. They can stop us for a little, even send us to jail, but they can never stop us from growing entirely.
damn i jus caught up. i cannot sit here and type all the things in my head right now lol but thanx for sharing bro. and remember the strong survives! yea this stuff helps my life in so many ways... and growing now makes my mind go even more nuts! kit bro! jus try and make the best decisions you can, keep your head up! n i kno what u mean about learning, everyday...

i currently jus ran out of flower.... i am hurting waiting lol ahhhhhh!!! but its good reminders of what she means to me!!


Active Member
If you're seriously scared of your FRIENDS ratting you out, get some new fucking friends.


Well-Known Member
There's one person aside from my wife that knows where I live that knows I grow. Other than that, a handful of other people know, but they are 2,000 miles away and have no clue on my address. Other than that, fuck telling anyone. I have my own personal reasons to grow, and that is medicine for my girl. I'm not condoning any selling, but if you do sell, take a piece of experience... say nothing to nobody, not even what you think is your best homie... trust me.
