Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch been trying to find this site for a minute, knew it had to be there
Thanks a bunch been trying to find this site for a minute, knew it had to be there
Thanks a bunch been trying to find this site for a minute, knew it had to be there some good stuff in here, but also some peanut gallery stuffI have a question of my own pertinent to this thread.
I was gonna wait for the next run but heyho lol
I've never intentionally gone for terps, its always been things like giberellic acid through veg to up the THC which i assume negatively impacts terps.
Can anyone clarify that for me please
Thanks go to this man, all i did was answer his question ☺Any one able to find the links mentioned at the 43:04 mark??
Thanks, I'll have a read. some good stuff in here, but also some peanut gallery stuff
I have a question of my own pertinent to this thread.
I was gonna wait for the next run but heyho lol
I've never intentionally gone for terps, its always been things like giberellic acid through veg to up the THC which i assume negatively impacts terps.
Can anyone clarify that for me please this was really all i was talking about in there, maybe you already know but it was knew to meThat thread you linked, it doesnt really contain what i know about GA³.
Should i post a reply to it so people can find the info in the future.
I dunno what to do but those guys had all the wrong reasons to use it and sounds like their doses were miles off lol
I want to have a try at growing for terpenes in the future. You know how it is, you get focused on yield and potency lol.Thanks for your persistence @SSR, much appreciated!!
Cant speak to Gi. acid but if you are growing for terpenes, which is a truly worthy cause, I am happy to share some tricks. this was really all i was talking about in there, maybe you already know but it was knew to me
I left you a PM in case you want to get a head start! @SSR