Growing flowers and veggies along side?


Well-Known Member
I want to plant some veggies and maybe some nice flowers this year out back but I'm worried about them attracting unwanted bugs and diseases. Do you guys Do this? I have neem bt and diatonaious earth on hand


Well-Known Member
Garlic, basil, pyrethym daisy, are all good companion plants, along with marigolds
Marigolds also expell a toxin thru there roots which help control nematodes in the soil
There is a South African marigold ,that grows to 6 foot
Dont B scared , just do it


Well-Known Member
We've got an "edible landscape", complete mix of veggies fruits and flowers from ground covers to trees. Cannabis is a bit impractical to mix in in any integrated way, just because it gets so damn big. So we have a section of the garden for the girls. This year I'm growing red clover in the pot field (a "nitrogen fixer"), but not much else.