Growing fast, but not really growing...

These plants were totally stalled out for a few weeks from seed. I wasnt giving them enough nutes and the tops were bright green almost yellow and rolled at the leaf edges.
I got the nutes up to about 2.0ec and they started to get going.
They were growing new nodes just fine, but once the new node formed the ones under stopped growing.
After I topped them they started to grow a little bit more, but this is ridiculous.
These are about 1 month old. They were about 8 nodes tall before the I topped them at the 3rd node from the bottom.
Its been a little warm, but they seem to like it around 80ish with 60% humidity.
I feel like Im feeding them too much, but they look like they arent getting enough.
Ive let them dry a bit and Ive also tried watering more often.
Im not sure what to try next. I cant just keep letting them grow new nodes without them filling out... They are still a little bright, too.
What do you stoners think?
Coco @ 5.5-6.0 ph CNS17 >2000pppm(2.0ec)

300W MH
It was really far away when the plants were all yellow. They would just go limp before. Its much closer now. I cant get it much closer than 1.5ft without seeing shriveling the next day. Its pretty warm here at night lately


Well-Known Member
maybe try some cfls for some additional lighting? warm at night hah I wish here feels like end of oct to me! (just moved up here bout a yr. ago still not use to it) they don't look to bad but what do know ha ha. maybe something in the root zone? just a wag.
The roots werent growing much at first, but theres no rot. They just werent getting enough light or nutes.
I can turn up the wattage(its a dimmable ballast) but it will get hotter and I can just bring it closer to the plants w/o turning it up, but that seems to hurt, not help
Here they are today, not much improvement. Kept the lights backed off a bit last night. The seedlings are stretching to the moon.

Anyone have any ideas why the shoots wont grow after the new nodes are formed?
I upped the nutes on one and flushed another. Not sure what else I can try...
How can the herb heal all the nation if it only grows stem? Maybe this is a hemp strain?


Well-Known Member
I can see what happened here, the training and topping has really stressed them and now they are not growing and probably not drinking much. Next time you want to train them wait until well after topping and they are clearly in veg mode and bigger. Stop the training, reduce the ppm, raise light the heat will slow recovery and they don't need 300w on top of them while stressed, also reduce watering, you shouldn't continue watering sick plants in heavy pots. They should be ok once they get out of this.


Well-Known Member
Plants don't like topping or LST. How would you be with your head cut off and your limbs stretched out in weird directions?
I was going by Uncle Bens guide to topping. He says to top after the 6-8th nodes have formed. I couldnt let them get any taller. They were about 1ft tall and skinny as a Somalian crack whore
The plants were stunted way before I topped them. I think topping actually helped because the tops were the most severely effected parts of the plants. They were yellow and rolled up.
It wasnt until I topped them that they started to form any branches at all and the lead shoots are atleast green now.
Topping them probably did slow the newer shoots down. Hopefully they pull out of this.
Ill let them dry a bit more.
Id actually be doing much better if someone cut my head off. I cant afford another failed crop. Thanks for asking.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 two week old plants and I'm wondering if they are the right size...
Wrong place sunshine, start a new thread in the newbie section. Absolutely no offense intended but hijacking someone elses thread is considered bad manners.
Theyve grown quite a bit in the last few days!
I topped them again and turned up the wattage on the lights. My reflector was pretty dirty and was probably blocking some light.
The leaves are still pretty light green. I hope the extra light puts some color into them.
They are going now! Starting to get pretty dark, but the new growth is still a little bright.
I have some new plants going. Giving them more nutes from the start this time. Things are looking good.
We are about to flower in the closed room