Growing Coleus, hallucinogen


Well-Known Member
I was given a green and purple plant when I picked up clones. It's called coleus and there's a lot of different types of coleus. I'm not sure the particular strain/type I was given. I looked it up when I first got it and pretty much it has to be eaten or brewed into a tea when it's fresh and raw. (Know one really knows much but supposedly it needs to be raw) no one knows what the "active ingredient" is either. Is this a myth or anyone have an experience with this plant. Most of the reports I read compare it to a mushroom like trip. I love mushrooms so I hope this is true


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I was given a green and purple plant when I picked up clones. It's called coleus and there's a lot of different types of coleus. I'm not sure the particular strain/type I was given. I looked it up when I first got it and pretty much it has to be eaten or brewed into a tea when it's fresh and raw. (Know one really knows much but supposedly it needs to be raw) no one knows what the "active ingredient" is either. Is this a myth or anyone have an experience with this plant. Most of the reports I read compare it to a mushroom like trip. I love mushrooms so I hope this is true
Never heard of it I found some information on erowid it says you will need 50-70 large leaves for a single dose I don't know that it would be worth it. The article says they're milder than shrooms and I find shrooms to be pretty mild compared to more powerful psychedelics like LSD. If your really wanting to trip I'd just stick with some good ol shrooms or some clean acid mabey some DMT they can be purchased online and shipped to you if you can't find them in your area considering you have a desktop computer.
Never heard of it I found some information on erowid it says you will need 50-70 large leaves for a single dose I don't know that it would be worth it. The article says they're milder than shrooms and I find shrooms to be pretty mild compared to more powerful psychedelics like LSD. If your really wanting to trip I'd just stick with some good ol shrooms or some clean acid mabey some DMT they can be purchased online and shipped to you if you can't find them in your area considering you have a desktop computer.
You feel comfortable ordering that stuff online. And this is already in my garden so why not use it when it's bigger. I was trying to confirm that it's actually like a drug and not like placebo. I guess I'll have to test it. I was gunna use 80 leaves and not sure how I'm going to consume it. Probably a tea, if it tastes good maybe a salad haha.
I've always wanted to try DMT I know it can be made easily with some kind of bark. I don't know how to do the extractionbutim confident I wouldn't fuck it up. You order L online also?
You feel comfortable ordering that stuff online. And this is already in my garden so why not use it when it's bigger. I was trying to confirm that it's actually like a drug and not like placebo. I guess I'll have to test it. I was gunna use 80 leaves and not sure how I'm going to consume it. Probably a tea, if it tastes good maybe a salad haha.
I've always wanted to try DMT I know it can be made easily with some kind of bark. I don't know how to do the extractionbutim confident I wouldn't fuck it up. You order L online also?
Ya I'm comftorble ordering it online I get all my L and Molly on there I know it sounds weird but you can get higher quality drugs at cheaper prices by ordering off the darknet. Imagine an eBay or Amazon for drug dealers compleat with customer reviews and the whole 9 yards all the transactions are done using a untraceable form of cyber currency called Bitcoin no joke look up agora marketplace or alphabay market. Since dealers are forced to compete with each other the products are way higher quality IMO then say your local connect who's the only game in town. It's pretty easy to use as long as you have a basic understanding of how a computer works you just need to download a TOR browser to access the sites. And you will need to purchase some bitcoins from a reputable vendor like circle or coinbase and the rest is cake. Of course I always test my L and Molly with a test kit before using them which everyone should do anyways regardless of where they got it.
Thanks for the thread canndo it's given me inspiration to go for it. Sadly I live in California. Anyone have any tips to get some spores or syringes over here. I don't mind going to Nevada or something if I have to.
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Thanks for the thread canndo it's given me inspiration to go for it. Sadly I live in California. Anyone have any tips to get some spores or syringes over here. I don't mind going to Nevada or something if I have to.
Ship em to a nearby out of state friend. Then go pick em up. Or order a non-foil print to a friends house and have him remail it to you in a bday card.