Growing autos in a decriminalized state

See my harvest of current crop in a few days as well, pics. are below.The first real post will be here at noon tomorrow and then one each day thereafter.

Heres a pick of my current crop.We will Begin with a new set of seedlings from germination on day one, to sexing on day 14-21 to pollination for seeds on day 35-50, to day 65-80 for harvest and then for 30 days we will dry and cure.

I will show you how to keep your closet mini grow always under 200 total grams. In my state growing plants or posessing a sack are the same minor misdemeanor as a traffic ticket.

If you have 201 grams it's a possible felony 5. The under 200 grams is a simple fine and no criminal record the F5 could send you to prison.So know your home states laws if you grow or use cannabis.



King Tut
See my harvest of current crop in a few days as well pics. are below.The first real post will be here at noon tomorrow and then one each day thereafter.Heres a pick of my current crop.We will Begin with a new set of seedlings from germination on day one, to sexing on day 14-21 to pollination for seeds on day 35-50, to day 65-80 for harvest and the for 30 days we will dry and cure.

As I do so I will show you how to keep your closet mini grow always under 200 total grams. In my state plants or a sack are the same minor misdemeanor as a traffic ticket.If you have 201 grams it's a possible felony 5. The MM is a simple fine and no criminal record the F5 could send you to prison.Know your home states laws if you grow or use cannabis.:wall:

Them's some shitty laws for a legal state imo.

But most DEFINITELY, know your local laws.

Them's some shitty laws for a legal state imo.

But most DEFINITELY, know your local laws.

It isn't a legal MMJ state it is a decriminalized state.The difference is for weight under 200 grams or 7.14 ounces (nearly 1/2lb.) it is a simple fine go over and it's a felony.It keeps prosecution to serious growers only.A hobby grower like me can keep himself supplied not worry about losing his home and smoke the best vs shitty Mexican with formaldehyde on it.

I've found autos or dwarf clones forced to stay under 2 feet are the best for our laws so if you live in Ohio read up.I will teach you how to maximize your harvests and never be over 200 grams total in your house.

This keeps a smart guys ass out of prison and basically no competent law/drug enforcement officer will put out the effort for a search warrant for small 3-6 plant grows.(Only if you are selling around here is it worth their effort.)

Trafficking is a far more serious offense.Ohio was one of the first decriminalized states under the Carter administration. This was the 1st step any president every took in favor of legal personal use.Jimmy Carter left it to each state to decide their laws the fed only got involved for 100 plant grows or more.Don't you wish he was running for president vs the two strawmen that are running now????LOL


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! You're doin the right thing, OhioGrassMan! It is not easy doin things in "Non-Medicinal States" and sleeping well. I'm biting the bullet and heading back to a MS to get a card. I wish i had decriminalization here, but instead the drunks walk free after OUI's because of money and corruption. Shame-a-thon. Stay Crunchy Broseph. Crunch*


Well-Known Member
have u knowin anybody to get popped growing 200 or less an not serve any time? just asking..... i was doing 1 plant grows an got way more than that so how do u do it 12/12 right away?
have u knowin anybody to get popped growing 200 or less an not serve any time? just asking..... i was doing 1 plant grows an got way more than that so how do u do it 12/12 right away?
I myself have been arrested for cultivation in the distant past. I had 24, 2 week old seedlings, no weight to speak of.I was issued a simple M-1 ticket and released.I paid $100 court cost and $150 fine.No fuss was made and it was no big deal.

Possession of less than 100 grams is a minor misdemeanor punishable by a $150 fine.*
Possession of 100-200 grams is a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and a maximum fine of $250.
Possession of 200-1,000 grams is a fifth degree felony punishable by a prison sentence of 6-12 months and a maximum fine of $2,500.**
Possession of 1,000-5,000 grams is a third degree felony punishable by 1-5 years imprisonment and/or a fine of $5,000-$10,000.
Possession of 5,000-20,000 grams is a third degree felony punishable by 1-5 years imprisonment and/or a fine of $5,000-$10,000. There is a presumption of imprisonment.
Possession of more than 20,000-40,000 grams is a second degree felony punishable by a minimum sentence of 5 years, a maximum sentence of 8 years imprisonment, and a maximum fine of $15,000.
Possession of more than 40,000 grams is a second degree felony punishable by a mandatory 8 year sentence and a maximum fine of $15,000.
"Possession" means having control over a thing or substance, but may not be inferred solely from mere access to the thing or substance through ownership or occupation of the premises upon which the thing or substance is found.

To me the 100-200gram range is an acceptable risk to have my personally grown organic cannabis over the commercial Mexican brick weed sprayed with god knows what to keep it from molding , formaldehyde for one is still common.The truth is you can push above this weight with wet or growing cannabis.It will lose half its weight when dry.So 355-500 grams is my range.

In Ohio the entire plant can be weighed roots n all. So I avoid hydroponics with the big root balls that would make it easy for the Police to gather all the plants roots and hence extra weight.If in dirt they will pull them from the dirt which separates it from the majority of the roots.Onces in two parts it can be argued successfully to misdemeanor weight and hence a simple fine..
With auto flowers, soiless mixes is the best way to go.The reasons are as follows.

#1.Ease of access

Promix, Sunshine mix and the like can be found at any garden supply or discount store (if it's in season). For instance, I like coco coir but in my neck of the hillbilly woods the guy at the nursery wouldn't know what it was even if a truck load was dumped on him.

#2. It's PH stable

It helps you maintain the proper PH because it has lime in the mix. This is important for the people that try to do it without A PH meter.My advice spend $30 on a ph meter.You can live with out the PPM or EC meter.

#3 It is seen everywhere

Every other household has it in their back yard flower garden.Rock wool cubes need disposed of and are weird looking to inquiring minds if a bag full of them lies busted at your trash pickup.

These are just a few reasons, there are several other reasons we will discover later as we go.
I start with 15 2 liter Soda bottles.I use Mt. Dew Bottles because the green color prevents algae at the bottom clear portion.1/2 gal nursery pots are good too.I start 2-3 Auto Flower seeds in each bottle.I plant them in a small triangle pattern.I scuff the seeds in a seed shaker and plant directly into the soil.I do not soak.Some Indica seeds and Rhuderalis may need soaked for 12 hrs.I have plenty of seeds so I don't.If you only have a 10 pack of auto seeds to start with soak em for 12hrs. 1st.
A simple 2 bulb 4ft shop light is perfect for the 1st 3 weeks of life for autos or clones.With a $20 avg. cost it is very affordable.You can fit 18 bottles under a single fixture.
The 6 week olds are 4 Purple Jems and 2 Majestics.One of the Jems has been crossed with a male Majestic and the two female Majestics got pollen from the same male.

Take this advice to heart, in a small hobby grow such as mine stick to one male at a time for breeding.You can have several females.But this will insure that you know where the pollen comes from.This is paramount to developing a new strain. We will cover pollen collection as the week old plants develope.
A cycle is a group of plants started at the same time in a room with 1 or more other groups of plants started at regular intervals.

The way I get the cycle set up for most Auto-Flower strains is as follows: Take the total amount of days the plants take to grow from day one of germination to harvest.Most strains are 70 days give or take 10.I want to have three cycles once at full capacity.So divide 70 by 3 and you get 23.3

I can start a new cycle every 23 days.Since it takes 2-3 weeks to sex Autos this is a good 3 cycle setup to shoot for.

Cycles one and two can be contained under 2 twin bulb shop lights.I use a 250 watt HPS for the final 23 days to give me tight full buds.Each shop light is 80 watts giving a total of 410 watts.Throw in my fans and I'm still under 500 total watts of consumption.
Looks like you've done your homework. Nicework man. It'd good to see another buckeye know's what's up.
Thank you for your kind words. There is a petition to put a medical marijuana bill on the next vote (they just missed getting on this Nov. ballot.) Not sure of the website but it is easily found via a google search.
My oldest six females are 7 weeks old now.Three have been pollinated on the lower portion of the plant with the same males pollen, giving me 2 pure seed plants and a cross.

The seedlings are now 2 weeks old.They will show sex within the next 5-7 days.They got a weak feeding of grow nutes on the 10th day.

