Growing auto-flowers and photoperiods at the same time


New Member
I have a few auto-flowers that will take around 60-70 days from germination to harvest as well as some photoperiods i would like to start about a month after i plant the auto-flowers. My dilemma is that im not sure what to do about the MH/HPS lighting. I will be starting with the MH but the auto flowers will be out of veg state and into flowering within 20 days and at day 30 i plan to plant my photoperiod plants in the same place since i only have one light and room. There for should i veg my photoperiod in HPS lighting so my autos can flower with HPS or should i keep the MH so my photos can veg with MH but my autos dont have the HPS to help with flowering. Any ideas/opinions?


Well-Known Member
In my spaces I use only hps and cfls. Works perfectly fine for my veg states. Chek my grow journal to see.


New Member
thank you for responding to my question. ill be sure to check out your grow journal. I was just thinking of adding some cfl supplemental lights.