Growing as a Police Officer


Well-Known Member
idlehands has a point, people are bitches cant trust no one. Unless your 100% positive you will be the one and only sole person to ever know what you do and you will never post anything about your actions anywhere on the internet etc.


Well-Known Member
you know, we need more cops that enjoy weed. If you are in a med. mj. state you could blow off the weed action for serious crime fighting. Theft is very much out of control these days. I am all for that. Get your card and grow your own meds. Just dont tell.


too me that doesnt sound like a bad idea i have drug dealers who are close friends and their parents are cops, buddie mom is a cop and shes always comin down stairs buyin bud for his dad. As long as you dont have friends comin over seeing it all the time that could cause a stir if they try tellin people " hey my buddies a cop grown shit man"


Well-Known Member
Bad idea? Safe?

I'm becoming a police officer.
That would make you one of "the few, the proud, the not-so-typical cop."

I'd say, have no fellow comrades enter your domain.

At the same time, I'd also say, "Have no shame." :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sounds dumb. It's an easy way to wreck your life and cops are held to a higher standard when in court. You're basically violating your oath. I wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds dumb. It's an easy way to wreck your life and cops are held to a higher standard when in court.
yeah if you get caught your going to get the book thrown at you, plus on another side, your going to lose most of your friends.

People who become police should do so for a better reason than its a paid job.
so if you are going to be a cop that grows bud then you know if you ever bust a single person for a crime related to marijuana that you are going to get weed karma and you will get fucked to. and your probly gona look for stoners just to pull them over and take there bud that they spent there hard earned money on. ive had my bud taken by a cop before and i was pissed. and i have a cannabis card! if cops are gona be crooks then why dont we just go back to the wild west days and all wear six shooters on our hips and settle the scores with 10 paces! :joint: and you better try to convince your cop homies that its a waste of time to bust fools for bud too!:joint:


Well-Known Member
so if you are going to be a cop that grows bud then you know if you ever bust a single person for a crime related to marijuana that you are going to get weed karma and you will get fucked to. and your probly gona look for stoners just to pull them over and take there bud that they spent there hard earned money on. ive had my bud taken by a cop before and i was pissed. and i have a cannabis card! if cops are gona be crooks then why dont we just go back to the wild west days and all wear six shooters on our hips and settle the scores with 10 paces! :joint: and you better try to convince your cop homies that its a waste of time to bust fools for bud too!:joint:

^ this is exactly what I'm thinking.


Active Member
if you were really gona be a cop surely you would have an interest in your local laws, if your a grower you would probibly take an interest in your local growing laws, either way, i think you would already know the answer to your question.

My guess your a 12 y/o kid who likes a smoke and has a fetish for police officers.

Alot of bullshit floating arond RIU lately.


i was watching a news show about the feds raiding medical clinics in san francisco and they had a deputy in cuffs that was there getting his prescription filled

That's right its all about what "side" you are on. Either the free, pot smoking American or the vaccinated, slightly to moderately restarted / illegal / felon out to "police" people. Makes me sick. DON'T JOIN THE SIDE OF THE NWO:evil:, just Google G20 Pittsburgh, u wanna do that s***:spew:join up. Or be free, many other kinds of jobs! I know all well, we went through months and months of court for something else and not against me (another family member) and son of a bi**** lied and twisted everything. Not a side I would want to be a part of when the American people wake up and are pissed.:o:shock::evil: As for the pot/cop thing people say why not... well your "team" will turn on you so fast, because they WILL NOT UNDERSTAND, so if you are found out be rdy for s***.


captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
PFTEC, I find your 2 recent posts very confusing and a little suspicious! And for very obvious reasons: First you come off like a total newbie, "How can I hide my power consumption" oh woo woo, I just don't know what to do! Solar panels, wind mills??? I seriously posted to that thread and left what I thought was some fair advice.
NOW, you come back with "oh, by the way I'm gonna be a cop! Are effen kidding me???
Anyone who has the intelligence and reasoning power to become a police officer would NEVER have made the first post!
If i'm outta line here, I apologize in advance, but something just doesn't add up.......BB

true, true, true, this thread is bullshit and a waste of cyberspace.

Burger Boss, i gotta tell you, i'm the real burger boss. no, maybe you are, and i can be the burger master, i really like cheeseburgers. anyways, i thought i was gonna have some competition on the burger scene when i saw your avitar and tag. it really cracked me up! also, you are not at all outta line.:joint:

in the great words of eazy e "fuck the police"

oh, forgot to say this thread is whack, can we delete it?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Bad idea? Safe?

I'm becoming a police officer.
why can't you hold a medical marijuana script. its no different then taking pain killers that the doctor will prescribe to you. the only difference between the two is that pills are a NARCOTIC and POT IS NOT. congrats on the job. be safe out there. and please do your best to keep the myth off the streets.
oh and just curious as to why you still need to grow when you can take what you want.


Well-Known Member
Well since your "becoming" a police officer, the standardized hiring procedure in this area anyway requires several procedures among which is a background check, polygraph and drug screen. If you can grow without smoking during that time frame and can lie your way through the polygraphy undetected, you might get by with it for a while. Be very careful with odor on your clothes. Those non smoking bloodthirsty rookie cops have noses like a blood hound when it comes to detecting the odorific aspects of killer weed. Now once you actually become a cop you become subject to random drug tests or anytime somebody decide you need to take one. If you got hurt or hurt somebody good chance you would get pissed on that deal. Car wreck, shootings etc.


Well-Known Member
Becoming a Leo does not make you a bad person. however depending on where you live, it could cause you problems. weigh your options very carefully and decide for yourself .

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Look, if you're going to do something, do it properly. If you are going to be a corrupt cop, do it to the best of your abilities and maximise the situation for all you can before the inevitable end of the run.