Growing All Natural


hey guys, im new to this forum and came across it while googleing for a new plant to grow.

ok so i will catch you up to what iv been upto to present day :P

started off growing chillies, then grew some weed... now i have started growing lots of different plants! basically i wanted to start this thread to keep you upto date on how its going.

ok so first heres a list of plants im currently growing:
Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis peruvianus
Pedicularis groenlandica
Mimosa tenuiflora - DMT tree
Scutellaria lateriflora - skullcap
Withania somnifera - Ashwagandha
Leonotis leonurus - dagga
Heimia salicifolia (this is an intresting one!)
Passiflora incarnata - passion flower
Lophophora williamsii v. decipiens - peyote

ok so basically, feel free to ask any questions about these plants (effects, growing etc)

Heimia salicifolai, as i said, is a very intresting one indeed. some of you may have tried it before but its very rare... and has very odd effects indeed...
What this plant does is gives you auditory hallucinations. your mind is 100% there, your vision has a slightly yellow tint, but as i say your mind is there, and you understand the sounds you are hearing are not real. but its an amazing one to take, sit back, close your eyes and just listen to random noises and other shit :P

ok so any questions you have feel free to ask.
Welcome good sir! That's quite the list you've got there! You should post some pictures of your garden, as I'm sure we'd all love to see it!


yeah man, will do. They were planted yesterday so i should have something to take pics of in about a week. feel free to post pictures of your guys gardens btw :)


wow dude, nice looking crop there :D

Hopefully i will have some pictures to show you within a week. I have loads of chili plants already growing but i donno if you want pictures of them lol.