Growing after Dispensaries are Open


Active Member
The more I look at the CHAAs I realize that the 25 mile radius will over lap in the state which is by design to try and prevent us from growing. I have every intentions of growing LEGALLY 60 plants after there is a dispensaries are open. Do you have a plan? While it is still to early to move forward with the plan I am looking for people that would be willing to pay for patients. Send me a message and when the time comes I will contact you.

Do not beleive the hype while they think they have it covered they did not!! I have all ready started recruiting for myself when the time comes!!!


Active Member
The RESERVATION has stated that they will not have dispensaries. You know because it is an evil weed!! Which is funny George washington said sow the indian seed everywhere. While I do not advise delivery never forget it is not where you are it is where the patient is. Just find someone on the closest reservation and recruit.


Well-Known Member
Actually not bad :idea:. patients there not grown there. Its to bad are indian brothers and sisters look down on weed ; all that land. Ive been out there where you could go miles and miles and miles and not bump into anyone.


New Member
Herb on a Rez is a serious no-no.. I wonder, how many patients live on any Rez because they get no protection when considering MMJ.
Did you ever read about the guy getting stopped on a section of the 101 hwy that is considered tribal land?
Car impounded etc, instantly, mmj card had no value..

There might be safer 25 mile options, registration certificate holders only have a year before expiration.
Not every outfit will meet that mark considering the friction they are currently facing from the State.
Some rural dispensaries will not have enough patients to keep their doors open or open them at all, that seems like a good place to recruit.


Active Member
I highly recommend not messing with the Sovereign Nations...

The only law Superior to their laws is the Federal law... AzMMA is not recognized by the Indian Nations nor will it protect you in their system.

In many cases contacting the Feds for violations is the last thing they think about but when it happens US Marshals will be at your door.

Its like going to A different country... My recommendation is to not violate their way of life by finding a loophole in hopes of a cash crop... (few folks do it)

There are too many folks out side of the Indian's land to be interested in such a flamboyant idea... Time to hit the drawing board again mate...

I bet you a nickel if you are arrested you will need to be picked up from jail when released with no chance of ever getting your vehicle back...

FYI - Indians do not need a MMJ card to posses marijuana in the US.. Period. They use it for rituals and they are except from State & Federal prosecution why would they need a card? Maybe to go into clubs & dispensaries but not for legal protection. (Indian as in an Indian from the tribe and recognized by the Tribe - Usually have a Tribe Card to identify them)

NOTE - the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed a long-held principle that tribes do not have jurisdiction over non-Indians conducting activity on a non-Indian fee simple, even if on an Indian reservation, unless the activity threatens the welfare of the tribe.

The Sovereign Nations have the same powers that Our State carries... Indian land is considered "domestic, dependent Nations

Must read -

Source - Living in Az my whole life & knowing Indians from the Tribes (if you know an Indian ask about rules, laws & punishment on their land..)


I've had this argument with Personified before he dosen't seem to get it. Getting caught with any greenery on the Indian reservation will land you in some serious trouble. After they are done seizing any valuable property you have when you are caught they will hand you over to the Feds. There was an article in the AZ republic just they other day about how the US Attorney's office in AZ was cracking down big time on crimes committed on the Res and I am sure the Feds would love nothing more than to send you to a federal prison for an extended stay for your trouble.

Edit: I see your intention is to find someone who lives on the reservation but not actually grow there. I which case you might be ok if you could find someone who lives outside of the 25 mile radius. Still I am sure you could find people outside the 25mile radius who aren't on Indian land. I'm sure there wont be any dispensaries out in the remote areas of the state were you might be able to find patients.


Well-Known Member
Yeah why are you so hell bent on finding someone on the Indian Res. Im pretty sure you can get a few patients in places like Buckeye, Tonapah , Wickenburg , etc...Seems a lil safer just my opinion though im not a caregiver.


Well-Known Member
Actually not bad :idea:. patients there not grown there. Its to bad are indian brothers and sisters look down on weed ; all that land. Ive been out there where you could go miles and miles and miles and not bump into anyone.

they dont look down on weed they look down on the white man...... white power


Well-Known Member
You guys are going about this all wrong. Why get new patients just move your patients to outside 25 miles of a dispensary for the month they go to renew. Done and done fuck this state.


Active Member
>>Achieve I am going to do it I all ready have indians lined up and I have NO INTENTION of GOING ON THE RESERATION as I mentioned in the first statment. So if that is your only concern...What is your concern again? That would be stupid. can grow illegal (more power to you) or pay the $400 price per Oz. Do what your going to do... I do not care. Just FREE the WEED!!! I just want to do it legally and not fall victim to rape prices. Like the current clubs are offering so they can pay an employee a dime to take all the risk while they reap the reward or the future dispensaries turning that green into your green.

Lets just look at how prices have fallen with the Col and Wash. I am seeing adds on CL that use to be $400 an Oz now averaging $200 were it should be assuming people are paying 2k a lb or about $166 an Oz. I was up there and pickup up SLH and that plant should be $100 a gram that and SSH are such a pain in the arse to grow.

I prefer choices and not play the NOMRAL let the rich benifit from the rigged game. I would rather see a $100 Oz like it use to be before the market changed to "legal." Immediatley prices went up for schwag and it became very limited because supply and demand. Have you talked to those not legal latley? It has hit them the hardest not only because of supply but demand increased prices to Cali and Col confused prices. First time someone told me $15 a gram is what they paid I asked "were you high when you bought it?" I was getting the same thing from a mexican at normal prices. Just one of the advantages of being biligual and growing up in the barrio which is probably the only benifit. :)

>>Beaverhunter I agree if and I actually have some folks in around BFE Safford if I want. The problem is I do not want to have to recuit when the CHAA gets filled. I do not understand people having trouble getting patients I can find a plithera of them. Maybe I am looking for patients and not stoners is the difference not to sure.

Maybe I have been pushing Prop 203 for 3 1/2 years now convincing people that were brainwashed that it works. All except one of my patients are staunch conservatives that believed the propganda until I convinced them otherwise. Now they are advocates for me and the movement which in turned they then recuited others for me to my max limit of 72. Maybe that is my reward!


Active Member
You guys are going about this all wrong. Why get new patients just move your patients to outside 25 miles of a dispensary for the month they go to renew. Done and done fuck this state.
I missed this stament reading through the first time.

I think that is a direct violation of your obligation to inform and mostly PAY the extra fee for the change of address. Otherwise I would set up a house in sells right now!! Have you seen how big sells is? It is almost a third of the state. No where any where will be within 50 let alone 25 miles it would and will be safe from encrouchment.

Recently last month in Tucson we had a bust of people that lived in a small apartment who rented the aprtment next door to grow. That was not the same address they were charged and so was the landlord that had no idea what they were doing it. WTF!!!


Active Member
they dont look down on weed they look down on the white man...... white power
You know of all the people the white man has screwed which is pretty much everyone!! I have never experienced ANY predjudice from any Native American quite the opposite. With the exception of the ELITE attitude of the APACHE and if you ask other indians they will say the same thing. They are still a very proud people because of their warrior past which is the reason most other indians do not get along with them. I get a giggle out of the conversations I have had from different sides and especially when you get three differnet types of AMERICANS together. What a hoot of an argument!!!

I was 10 years old and my mom and I were coming back from Flint, Mi to Tucson and we had a flat on i-10 in BFE. A sherrif stopped and I some how got to get a ride to the station and push the tire back. The cop let nme take the walk back about 5 miles. At that age on the side of the side of the highway which shows the difference in times and that cops are always donut holes. I got about a mile down the road pushing this damn tire and only had about 4 more to go when a family of dirt poor AMERICANS in a step side pu gave me a ride. Not one spoke English. A mental note on this same subject however, the ones that actually still speak their native tounge and not mexican will not teach a white man their language.

I have only learned three words of Tohono Ohdam and of course all are diragatory against my white heritage in a joking freindly way. That is the problem people get to sensitive we are all some race with the appropriate slure at the appropriate time when talking shit in any language.

My favorite saying on Turkey Day is... Happy save the white man day. Thank a Native American!! With out them we would not be alive in the states to rape, pilage, and kill them or to finally make them dependant with rampant diabetes. Hell it is the least we could do for them after all they have done for us.


Well-Known Member
Failure to notify dhs of change of address within 10 business days is a 150$ fine and all other provisions under the law are upheld ie cardholder rights.


So if I understand this right. Your getting the Natives from the res to sign up for mmj cards and then become their caregiver? Doesn't the caregiver themselves have to be outside the 25miles as well?


Active Member
So if I understand this right. Your getting the Natives from the res to sign up for mmj cards and then become their caregiver? Doesn't the caregiver themselves have to be outside the 25miles as well?
No just the patient....


New Member
With the Nazi politicians and police departments, I don't blame people who do not want to list their actual grow address.
Im not advocating this in anyway because the laws clearly define these regulations; but it would seem a $150 fine for peace of mind that those who are above the law will not be kicking down your door for growing a plant legally under state law seems minimal.
The states does not want to play by the rules of the law and their actions/handling of AMMA has sadly set themselves up for scenarios like these.


Active Member
So if I understand this right. Your getting the Natives from the res to sign up for mmj cards and then become their caregiver? Doesn't the caregiver themselves have to be outside the 25miles as well?
As mentioned above and on the AZDHS website only the patient is important I can live next door.

No not at this time do I have any one signed up. I beleive I have 9 months left on my most recent and mine will be the one that expires first in Nov. I can not have any more at this time however I like to plan ahead instead of try to play catch up.