Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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Hey man, who the hell invited you here and insult good people? Thank you, Jesus Christ of Mary Jane for your nobility and good intentions, but you know what they say about the road to hell and your good intentions. Don`t come here here up on your high horse saying where we should grow or not, who the hell made you judge and jury? What gives you the right to proclaim that you are "saving souls", have you been hitting the bong too hard mr hippie head? And if you want to seem intellectual, come here, talk over my way, i live in a country where cardboard still passes for housing and i will eat your asshole alive at whatever you throw at me. Don`t understand a word people are typing? try me on for size, i have my CAE from Cambridge since i was 14, got my CPE the next year. How about you go and try sowing the seeds of your wisdom on other fields. Either that, or get off your high horse and apologize for the way you`ve acted, then we can have all the little chats you want about all the little things there are in the world.

First) This is not a private thread so invitiations were not needed. It's public for all. Second) Not once have I attacked anyone. Go back & read & you will see that I've been the one who was attacked. Third) BFD about your CAE & CPE. Only a schmuck would think about growing in a dorm & jeopardize his college education & to jeopardize others in the dorm. If I were in the same dorm as you there would be some serious problems & hell to pay. This has nothing to do with who is cool & who is not. The peeps in the dorm who wouldn't want it there would come first before a student who wants to grow in a dorm. You're not cool for growing in a dorm. You need to take a step back & really think this out on what is best for your best interest & most importantly, everyone else in the dorm.
First) This is not a private thread so invitiations were not needed. It's public for all. Second) Not once have I attacked anyone. Go back & read & you will see that I've been the one who was attacked. Third) BFD about your CAE & CPE. Only a schmuck would think about growing in a dorm & jeopardize his college education & to jeopardize others in the dorm. If I were in the same dorm as you there would be some serious problems & hell to pay. This has nothing to do with who is cool & who is not. The peeps in the dorm who wouldn't want it there would come first before a student who wants to grow in a dorm. You're not cool for growing in a dorm. You need to take a step back & really think this out on what is best for your best interest & most importantly, everyone else in the dorm.

i assume you`ve lived in my country all your life? and you know well the dorm i stay in, the people and you have a proper, thorough insight of the context in which i`m in? no? then shut up
i assume you`ve lived in my country all your life? and you know well the dorm i stay in, the people and you have a proper, thorough insight of the context in which i`m in? no? then shut up

I was hoping you would respond properly but instead you have to go on the offense. I'm sure even if your parents approved of you getting high they wouldn't approve of you growing in a dorm. It's sad that you need to stoop so low & to go as far as growing in a dorm. In do time everyone gets theirs & for some it comes quicker. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on that terrible things are going to happen to you sooner than later & it will be in school. Talking to you is moot. You're going to do what you're going to do & I see that. But you know it sure is going to suck for you with all the hardcore ass kissing that will be needed by you to keep everyone in the dorm on the hush hush :(. It would be much easier, cheaper, & safer to buy a bag & keep in tupperware locked away & not have to bribe everyone in the dorm & face serious consequences if you get busted for it.

P.S. Please don't give me the song & dance that you can't afford to buy so this is why I must grow in the dorm. Get a job
There smoke is $800 a O. Plus, there really isnt any.

Then he should get a job, save money & score when it's available. Why risk a college education ?? Is growing marijuana in a dorm worth risking an education ? If he gets caught that wont look good on his resume. You're his buddy, send him joints rolled up & stuff them inside plastic dolls you get at the dollar store but be very creative. Make it look like it's part of the toy. Must I tell you how to do it from scratch ? It can be done & is done all the time. If you're a ""REAL"" friend of his & not just internet buddies you would find a way to get him some smoke. Growing in a dorm, unfreakenbelievable. The balls to say how educated he is because he has a CAE & CPE but now he is stupid for wanting to grow in a dorm. Maybe at 14 he wise but since then the wacky weed started to dummy up his brain from making wise decisions.
Anywho, Dre, new plans? Or are we on hold?

I`m trying to get seeds in due time so i can grow a full plant by hte time i have to move out, that`s the plan mate.

Then he should get a job, save money & score when it's available. Why risk a college education ?? Is growing marijuana in a dorm worth risking an education ? If he gets caught that wont look good on his resume. You're his buddy, send him joints rolled up & stuff them inside plastic dolls you get at the dollar store but be very creative. Make it look like it's part of the toy. Must I tell you how to do it from scratch ? It can be done & is done all the time. If you're a ""REAL"" friend of his & not just internet buddies you would find a way to get him some smoke. Growing in a dorm, unfreakenbelievable. The balls to say how educated he is because he has a CAE & CPE but now he is stupid for wanting to grow in a dorm. Maybe at 14 he wise but since then the wacky weed started to dummy up his brain from making wise decisions.

Dude, you are quite honestly speaking out of your own arse for one secondly you are a wall of double standards. And i cannot begin to imagine what would compel you think anyone in this dorm would find out. You know nothing of it, the people in, the infrastructure, anything. But i`ve already covered this in the speaking out of your arse bit. Furthermore, i`ve been eating basically toast and butter for a week because sometime last week i dared and bought a gram. That bankrupted me. An ounce is in the vicinity of 800$, as ditty said. As student, i would not earn NEARLY as much as that in a month. Furthermore, i have 11 exams this semester and my bachelor`s paper to finish and i have other obligations outside of school as well. I have to rely on the money i get and make the best of it. You just have too much of a narrow minded approach to... well apparently everything, to understand what living in a borderline 3rd world country implies or to at least understand that one ocean and one continent away from you, things, most things and almost all things maay be different. And you say talking to me is moot? you should try listening to yourself. I bet donkeys understand you
You have piss poor excuses to justify why you should grow in a dorm. If you think nobody will find out then you really need to open your eyes. Maybe you should dry up for the rest of your time in college & then afterward grow in your own home. There is nothing wrong with drying up. I'm sure we all have done it or are you weak ?

You keep making excuses & that's fucking sad. The kids today.

P.S. I'm here to stay, I've gotten a few +reps since iI've been on this thread & have made friends with men like myself who have kids in college.
The weed has been grown in many a dorm room and it will be grown in many more, many have been caught and many have not. Guerrilla grows are the spirit of a mj farmer.
Guerrilla grows are the spirit of a mj farmer.

I agree, Do a guerrilla grow outdoors, I sure would hate to see someone with a student visa away from their homeland going to school in a 3rd world country & chance getting busted for growing in one of their schools. I couldn't imagine what they would do to him. It probably would even reach world headline news.

I'm all for growing but I'm not for stupidity.

you`re about as annoying and as persistent as herpes mookie. About as useful as well. But have it your way, do as you wish. If arguing with the apprently pathetic "kids these days" over the internet is what you wish to do, then by all means, go ahead Mr Miyagi. Good luck at backgammon with your fellow grown-ups.
Why the fuc do u care!! Leave.........................…

I guess you will have to go back & read over & over until you understand. I'm not here for you & I'm not here for Andrea. I'm here for those to give them something to think about before they make a bad decision in life. I guess if you don't like my presence then you should go leave & start a silly thread for you & your boy-friends that won't get attention from others weighing in.

you`re about as annoying and as persistent as herpes mookie. About as useful as well. But have it your way, do as you wish. If arguing with the apprently pathetic "kids these days" over the internet is what you wish to do, then by all means, go ahead Mr Miyagi. Good luck at backgammon with your fellow grown-ups.

Your funny. I love the fact that once the going gets tough for you & the ball is then hit back to your side of the court you come back with nonsense for your defense. Typical of a feeble mind trying to express itself.
Hey Mookie.

I understand your desire to help people. That's one reason I join forums. Most forums are so people can help guide each other and so that people who otherwise wouldn't have people in real life to help them now have the support of people online. I've been on many forums and helped many people, and I think your desire to do the same should be applauded.

But, there's no sense on wasting your time on this specific thread anymore. You offered your advice and it was declined. There's nothing more to do and bickering doesn't solve anything. You might feel like you can still get your point across to help whoever you're trying to help here, but take a look at how long this thread is. Everything you have said has already been said.

This is where my post comes in. As a person who also likes to help people, I realize that since no one can talk him into not growing in his dorm room this means he's going to do it anyway. If the members of a forum are supposed to be here to help, then all there is left to help him with is how to do what he wants to so as safely as possible. If we all just say "oh this stupid kid is going to ruin his life then fuck him, I'm going somewhere else" that's not helping. If you want to help, you can give him tips on how to reduce odor, sound, electric bill, to not tell anyone, etc.

By trying to save his soul, you're simultaneously screwing him over. He wants help with growing in a dorm, not help deciding if he should or not. His mind is made up and 616 posts later, no one has been able to talk him out of it.

Anyway, I'm not trying to argue, just stating some facts and also trying to save you some time and energy since all of what you're saying is falling on deaf ears.
Hey Mookie.

I understand your desire to help people. That's one reason I join forums. Most forums are so people can help guide each other and so that people who otherwise wouldn't have people in real life to help them now have the support of people online. I've been on many forums and helped many people, and I think your desire to do the same should be applauded.

But, there's no sense on wasting your time on this specific thread anymore. You offered your advice and it was declined. There's nothing more to do and bickering doesn't solve anything. You might feel like you can still get your point across to help whoever you're trying to help here, but take a look at how long this thread is. Everything you have said has already been said.

This is where my post comes in. As a person who also likes to help people, I realize that since no one can talk him into not growing in his dorm room this means he's going to do it anyway. If the members of a forum are supposed to be here to help, then all there is left to help him with is how to do what he wants to so as safely as possible. If we all just say "oh this stupid kid is going to ruin his life then fuck him, I'm going somewhere else" that's not helping. If you want to help, you can give him tips on how to reduce odor, sound, electric bill, to not tell anyone, etc.

By trying to save his soul, you're simultaneously screwing him over. He wants help with growing in a dorm, not help deciding if he should or not. His mind is made up and 616 posts later, no one has been able to talk him out of it.

Anyway, I'm not trying to argue, just stating some facts and also trying to save you some time and energy since all of what you're saying is falling on deaf ears.

I hear & understand what you're saying but I just can't find myself to help anyone try & grow on school property. The kid isn't even going to school in his homeland. He's in a 3rd world country on a student visa. If he gets busted he will turn into a little whinner in jail in that 3rd world country begging for his country to come & rescue him or for the world to come to his aid. If he wants to grow in a college located in a 3rd world country & gets popped then he, sad for me to say but will deserve whatever that country wants to do with him, even if it were 20 years hard time in prison or death by hanging. Shame on anyone who actually trys to help move him along in a grow like this. It's fucking sad. He's a guest in that country & not a citizen. I'm not looking for him to tell me he isn't going to do it as I can care less but what I do care about is when people don't use their head & end up fucking up their life when it can be avoided.

P.S. He even said all he has to eat is bread because he spent money on a gram of weed. This to me doesn't sound like someone with the funds to be able to pull off a grow like this in a 3rd world country let alone anywhere on this planet indoors.
I see what you mean. That's cool of you. And I understand when you say it's not good for people to help do something that could potentially ruin their life, I tend to agree with that on one hand. But on the other hand, as an example, let's say you have a teenage daughter who is sexually active. You can tell her abstinence is best and she should wait until after marriage to engage in sexual activity to persuade her into waiting to having intercourse until she's mature enough to make responsible decisions. But if that girl makes up her mind to have sex, she's going to do it, with or without approval and, most likely, with irresponsible regard to the consequences of her actions. So in that sense, it is best to educate her on how to have sex responsibly; use condoms, birth control, make sure she's aware of STDs and that if she has any questions, she can come to you.

So yes, I agree what Andreyy is doing is potentially dangerous and not a great idea. Similarly, his mind is made up, and all we can do is try to guide him in the right direction. Look at his situation as if he were the young girl who is sexually uneducated and he would get put in jail and lose his future like that girl could potentially get AIDS and lose her future and life. Just because they are doing something that is wrong doesn't mean you can just turn a blind eye to it. What if you read online that he grew pot in his dorm anyway and got busted because a student next door detected a suspicious smell? Wouldn't you think "stupid kid doesn't know how to hide the smell, he deserves to get caught?" I would probably think the same thing, but considering that I came on here, read his post and had the opportunity to tell him to watch out for the odor level and DIDN'T, I would feel like I let him down. Because he came here asking for help and because of my own morals that I abide by decided not to help him. Had I helped, maybe he wouldn't have gotten caught.

Haha, I'm stoned-rambling. The whole point is, he's going to do it anyway, whether we help him or not. If it's our help that could keep him from ruining his life, then I think we should give it to him. If you don't want to help because you think it gives him the ammo to ruin his life, then that's similar to not giving condoms to the teen girl thinking it will encourage her to have sex that she wouldn't have had if you didn't give them to her. Does that makes sense? o_O

Either way, I think you're a good man for caring enough to take the time and try to dissuade him. But, I've been following this thread for quite some time and I know he's undeterred. He might only have bread to eat after buying weed, but that's his choice. I know this is going to sound equally as stupid, but when I'm really broke, I'll buy cigarettes before food. But that's cool because it's my choice. He might not have enough money for a primo setup, but if he's determined enough to do it, I'm sure he could save up the money for a setup that will grow the one plant he wants to grow. A lot of my setup is DIY and didn't cost me a lot. Plus, I built it over time so I wouldn't have to purchase everything at once.

Ok, I'm stoned-rambling again, I'm gonna go :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha, I'm stoned-rambling. The whole point is, he's going to do it anyway

Ok, I'm stoned-rambling again, I'm gonna go :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes my good man, you are stoned.
What he should do is watch the movie about Billy Hayes (midnight express). I know that movie is more about being put in jail in a 3rd world country for trying to smuggle some hash out of turkey strapped to his body. I know he is not trying to smuggle but to be a guest in Nepal & growing weed in a dorm. My god the example they will make of this foreigner for this act of crime. He really needs to see how foreigners are treated in 3rd world prison systems. He wouldn't last 1 week in jail let alone serve hard time. You hear me Andreyy ? Go watch that movie. 1 more thing Andreyy, The smell of marijuana budding is 1000 times stronger than sticking your nose in a bag of weed taking a whif. The stink is overwhelming & 1 plant can & will easily stink up an entire home. You'll need a carbon scrubber running 24/0 during flowering & they can be very loud & I do mean VERY VERY loud. Go watch Midnight Express
what I do care about is when people don't use their head & end up fucking up their life when it can be avoided.

Oh, this is what I was trying to get to. A bad decision doesn't end with one bad decisions, they just keep coming. The one good decision Andreyy made was coming here for help from people who have done it before. There is still stuff we can tell him that will keep him from fucking up his life. If we just ignore his request for help, we could potentially be putting him in a worse situation because he will just make assumptions and guesses on how he should go about doing this.

Also, I'm not trying to talk you into helping him, if that's how it seems (I just re-read and it kinda seems like that to me). I guess I'm just trying to say that just because it seems like he's headed in the wrong direction isn't 100% true. It all depends on how you look at it. I said before in this thread that a lot of the users on this forum stand to lose a lot if we got caught. Some people are business owners, maybe some are celebrities, a lot of people here have kids, and we are still here helping each other. Chances are, if he didn't put "college dorm" in the title, you might possibly be helping him too. You might have already have helped other people in college dorms without knowing because they never indicated that's where they were growing.

Ok, I'm rambling again. So I'll just leave it at, if you wanna help him, cool. Let's leave him some good advice like we do for everyone else on the forum. If you don't agree with what he's doing, that's cool too. But if that's the case, then there's technically nothing useful that you can contribute other than your opinion. Once that's been stated and the OP has weighed the gravity of your advice, he will decide whether to go with it or not. And if not, then there's nothing more to say that would be proactive or counteractive to his goal.
Yes my good man, you are stoned.
What he should do is watch the movie about Billy Hayes (midnight express). I know that movie is more about being put in jail in a 3rd world country for trying to smuggle some hash out of turkey strapped to his body. I know he is not trying to smuggle but to be a guest in Nepal & growing weed in a dorm. My god the example they will make of this foreigner for this act of crime. He really needs to see how foreigners are treated in 3rd world prison systems. He wouldn't last 1 week in jail let alone serve hard time. You hear me Andreyy ? Go watch that movie. 1 more thing Andreyy, The smell of marijuana budding is 1000 times stronger than sticking your nose in a bag of weed taking a whif. The stink is overwhelming & 1 plant can & will easily stink up an entire home. You'll need a carbon scrubber running 24/0 during flowering & they can be very loud & I do mean VERY VERY loud. Go watch Midnight Express

Haha! Holy crap! We got not 1 piece of advice but 2! Cool 8)

Oh, and I'm a girl, btw ;) But you're right on the very stoned part!

Is Romania considered a 3rd world country? Or were you using that term because he was hyperbolizing about the cardboard walls for structures?
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