Growers Against Miracle Grow

Went to buy some perlite the other day and the only thing on the shelf was MG perlite. I grab it and as I walk towards the checkout I read the package details to find out that they even add ferts to effing perlite. My god, they piss on everything. Did not buy.
Hello everybody. As many of you already know, any miracle grow soil is bad for growing MJ. Some growers have reported issues such as stunted growth, Slowed or halted growth, and abnormalities such as curly and yellowing in the leaves. Many people that are new to grow may have made the mistake of using Miracle growth for their grows. I was one of these so called "NEWBIES". After i learned that this soil was the root of my problems, I quickly rinse the roots of my mistreated plants and re potted them in FFHF (HAPPY FROG). In the same day i noticed an explosion in growth. This thread is here to inform new growers that, if you want to grow marijuana the right way, you need to do it the correct way. STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE GROW. I will leave you with a few words of advise..... Soil is the base of your grow, so buy the correct brands.

Happy Growing

Yours Truly
i personally would never use maricle grow,, but i only grow indoors in hydro...
but my friend is growing outdoors in his back yard using maricle grow soil and the jug u hook to the end of the hose sorry to say his plants are massive...i told him not to use mg but he went ahead anyways and boy did he prove me wrong!! his plants finished in october last year and at harvest the plants,,,5 total wer all near 10 ft tall and at least 6 ft wide,,huge!! he ended with buds bigger than my arms and im a big guy...i was really impressed...not the most potent weed, but good and his yield was huge,, he will be smokin that shit for years..i grow 30 plants sog style indoors and 1 of his plants yielded more than 30 of mine easy..but mine is way more crystalized and potent,,,tastes better too