Growbox in attic....heat issue


Ok so if you intend to grow in approximately a 4 foot high 2.5 foot long growbox in the top of your attic, how do you combat the heat issue? It's going to get around 120-130 in the attic come summer.....I don't see running an air duct from an air conditioner into the growbox as a very viable alternative, is there anything else you can do?


Well-Known Member
Attics suck in the summer. Your gonna fight the heat constantly and lose in the end. Build a well insulated grow area, duct in some cooler air, increase ventilation of attic, use low-heat lighting, lights off during heat of day. All these things can help a little but I still think it's a battle that's gonna be hard to win if it hits 130. Your power goes out for a couple hours on an August afternoon and the grow is over.


Yeah, i'm starting to realize that. I'm not usually this cramped for space. I'm looking at possibly finishing off a small space in the attic with insulation for a stealth grow closet instead......wait a min, ok this might sound stupid but what if i just insulated around the outside of the growbox??? Ok the reason I would go to all of this trouble is because I've recently had to move back in with family and the place this box would be wouldn't have any chance of being seen. If I had to move it somewhere else or finish off a small space there would be questions....


Well-Known Member
you're going to have to get the airflow to deal with the heat buildup
insulating around the outside could be helpful, but some kind of cooler air source is needed, which usually means some kind of construction/remodel