Grow Update / Transplant question


Active Member
This is a grow update on my first DWC grow (NL-Auto) Coffee can hydro


I plan on transplanting later today, will a 6.5 Qt container work through flower?



Active Member
Damn 108 views, and not one person has any helpful tips or opinion to give, thats pretty f**ked up!!!!:finger:
Nice community..............REALLY!!!!


Active Member
Thanx for your input, it is much appreciated, I just wish I could get more helpful tips, rather than just views with no comments.......

:leaf:Thank you and HAPPY GROWING:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont know why people would just look at the post the least they could do is tell you your doin good


Active Member
It's just that I'm new to hydro growing and I need a little help figuring out some of the details. I could search online for help, but I thought this forum was supposed to make it a little easier than going from site to site getting inconsistent results .......


Active Member
Are you doing hempy buckets? Looks like a bunch of perlite there.

Most of the views are probably from guests (people without accounts browsing the site) and spiders that index links for search engines like Google's. Most people who are registered don't post a whole lot either.


Active Member
I've been growing in 100% perlite from germination, I went straight from plate germ to perlite with no plugs or rockwool cubes. I did the same with my tomato plant clone, I put my cutting in rooting hormone, then straight into 100% perlite.