And now, the result of 103 days of work. The bud is cut, and the weigh is done. 75 wet grams of bud from the second cut. Based upon the 1st bud's drying weight, this should come out to 20 grams dry for a grand total of 35 grams of dry bud.
Some don't care for the gram/watt measure, so I will call it grams/fixture watt. That came out to about 0.45 gram/fixture watt. A good result. But the goal was to show good results in a cheap, stealthy, low watt setup. For some situations, this tube fits the bill. A few have mentioned they may like to try this out themselves. Feel free to message me if you do try this, and have any issues.
I will update this thread on actual cured weight weight an smoke report. Some expressed an interest in watching my next grow of jock horror, so I will update with that link later. I'm going to try to reveg the girl, I'd like to hold to her genes for a bit longer. I'll include that link too for anyone that wants to watch a reveg attempt.
And so, the final bud pix. Sothanks for the interest, help, comments, and tips during this grow.
Some don't care for the gram/watt measure, so I will call it grams/fixture watt. That came out to about 0.45 gram/fixture watt. A good result. But the goal was to show good results in a cheap, stealthy, low watt setup. For some situations, this tube fits the bill. A few have mentioned they may like to try this out themselves. Feel free to message me if you do try this, and have any issues.
I will update this thread on actual cured weight weight an smoke report. Some expressed an interest in watching my next grow of jock horror, so I will update with that link later. I'm going to try to reveg the girl, I'd like to hold to her genes for a bit longer. I'll include that link too for anyone that wants to watch a reveg attempt.
And so, the final bud pix. Sothanks for the interest, help, comments, and tips during this grow.