The main objective for cannabis plants and all living creatures is surviving long enough to make offspring so that there will be a future for their species.
From the moment a plant is born this is it's main objective,they will do anything to survive until they are mature enough to mate,cannabis in particular
is one species that takes this to another extreme by self pollinating if it has to,the main objective for a male plant is to pollinate as many females possible
before it finally takes a dive towards death,and the females' objective is to make seeds and buds to protect those seeds from animals,insects and most
importantly the snow.Most people only smoke buds and no how to get them but don't know the anatomy or even the reason the plant does this,these buds
are what keep fresh seeds from trying to sprout through out the winter months so by the time spring comes those buds decompose and the seeds will began
to germinate and a new year of off spring arrives and this cycle continues every year.Then human influences happen,such as people trying to grow a sensi
crop which ends up with little to no seeds,female plants don't necessarily like this because of their main objective,so she will end up herming to pollinate
herself if she feels she is going to die and has not been pollinated yet,so that means the longer she lives the more times she tries to reproduce.besides
looking at thc degradation look at it from the plants perspective,she only gives us these buds we like so much because its protection for her and her young
and chemicals such as thc and cbd acts as a very good deterrent for bugs and animals.Even the animals we eat have their own set of weapons,its simply the
nature of survival.