grow the plant small


Active Member
I dont smoke very often but i do enjoy smoking when i do , ive started growing a plant but would like to know how can i make it small and make it so that it has a good amount of bud on it? i know pruning it but when is the right time to start pruning them?



Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum, tekken. where did you learn that pruning makes a plant small?
The best way to make it small, start with the seed or strain. Some of them just get taller than others.
The second way is to not let them get too tall. You do this by turning off the lights for longer periods. During vegatative growth, give them 18 hours of light. when they have reached 1/3 to 1/2 of the height you want to end with, only give them 12 hours of light. This makes you a liar. You are telling your plants its fall, and time to start flowering instead of growing bigger.
About two weeks after you lie to them, they will show you what sex they are, they don't hold it against you. If your lucky, and that 1 plant happens to be female keep lying until the buds show, by thier trich's colors, that they are all ready to dry, cure, and smoke.


Active Member
thanks victor

i thought "prunning" was to cut bits of the plant so it stumps its growth i just always thought that guess im wrong lol, when you mean vegetative growth your just referring to when its growing right? my last plant i just left it and it grew way to big, wasn't to tight about methods and such just plant and forget. as well whats do you mean by 1/3 to 1/2 ?? .


Well-Known Member
topping the plant will make it bushy but as he said some strains just want to reach for the sky even with doing that.


Well-Known Member
i topped when she was a seedling and tied her plant down when i started flowering, i only let her get about 3 inches tall b4 i started flowering, it had about 6 or seven nodes on every stem though... and the other one wasnt topped or ne thing just flowered at about the same height and it had about 7 nodes too


Active Member
primeralives holy shit man those are my dream goal size in the plant , the 2nd pic is that just the crown???, did you chop verything off pretty much and just let the crown grow?


Active Member
mate it seems you want to be looking at lowryder! plant that only grows to a foot, but will get you mighty high! Soulseeds UK - Home
these guys are brilliant if you live in the uk! they even threw in a few freebies and i got my order within 3 days!!
if you dont want the trouble of having to LST (Low Stress Training) (involves tying your plant down) then lowryder is the way to go. i wouldnt recoment original lowryder but all the other hybrids are great. I personally went for lowryder 2 and lowsnow, and i got some free "three way's" aswell.


Active Member
I heard pruning was to increase yields by changing the ratio of plant-mass to root-mass to favor plant-mass growth. If you want a small plant, veg a large one til it's as mature as you want it, then clone it.

Sorry, this is in no way related to your question, Tekken's just my favorite game EVAR!!!


Well-Known Member
:joint: You can also buy Bushmaster a additive that stops vertical growth and give girth to the plant. Be careful cause it POWERFUL shit.