grow tent question.


Active Member
im on a 600 and not even aircooled i did read somewere that 400s didnt give you full coverage in them size tents so upgraded to a 6 and reckon you could even get a 1000 in there doing a resovoir with an airpump to mix my nutes and filling up milk jugs as well lol and i like it compared to the old way but theres nothiung wrong with not using a res to mix your nutes in


Active Member
sorry bro bit confusing there i looked up a 5 bubbleboy single shot dwc and im using 1 of them i had two but couldnt handle the noise it made
just forget what i said about the res it was different alltogether as well


Active Member
i got a good deal on 10 m2 of laminated flooring and cut it up into 1 m2 and noticed a big difference not gonna say its gonna work with 5 being honest i wouldnt do 5 upstairs lol unless you can handle the noise


New Member
if you're going to do jugs, you can either take one jug and put all the nutrients in it for the whole reservoir. Put the nutrient jug in first so the other water jugs mix it around. Or you can put nutrients in each one, customized to the size of the container, then dump it in the reservoir. Either way should work.


Active Member
think its a 5 that tent is smaller than yours as well it was used as a veg tent and im even using a 120mm pc fanto extract.will have to upgrade soon when things get smelly but that 400 is giving me low 70s and its a 0.8m by 0.8m by 1.6m.
i killed the other plant in my other bucket cause of the noise it was doing my head in and i use that bucket to fill up my new res when im changing which is handy i think now....honestly the best thing i done


Active Member
thats the only thing i can think of is use less buckets and laminated flooring underlay is real cheap .....and with a 250 w i think 1 or 2 would be enough for you as you will get a bushy plant anyway and if you do five they will be skinnier


Active Member
is right man a 400 will get you a good amount if it annoys you kill the fuckers but dont kill them all cause more plants dont always mean more bud.
5 will be hard work no doubt tho what i do is check my ph each day i put a glass into the bucket take a sample and check my ph and ec and adjust the ph if it needs plus they drink about 1 to 2 litres a day which is annoying to ph 1 to 2 liters of water .prob be easier the more buckets.
if i was you i would have checked out a RDWC which ive never used so couldnt help you out on it it would be 10 times easier and would save a lot of hassle with top ups etc


Active Member
no probs mate sure il get a pic up of mine to show when the buds start kicking in on mine my first time doing DWC as well and am really enjoying it being honest.


Active Member
right there remy i got a pack of greenhouse cheese my last order and got a dinafem critical + freebie with it of attitude seeds.
i like the dinafem critical if you read what they say about the plants they say a 40 odd day flower and they are right as well il be chopping it down very soon