grow tent help

Gravita's are hot hot hot, I don't think you can run them in a tent at all imo. Hard enough to keep 2x 600w cool in the summer in a basement. Not to mention, you need to have the gravitas about 36" away to avoid bleaching/burning. Just from what I've read, take it w/ a grain of salt.
you get what you pay for with anything so i suspect if you spend good money on a tent, it should hold up very well. With that said, I have 2 identical cheap-o ebay tents that are 76"x76"x76". Ive hung my magnum xxxl hood from them for a couple years. Ive got to the point were I cut a tiny hole in the top and ran a wire to the ceiling in the room the help support the sag of the weak frame. But for less than $200 a tent, i cant complain about a little hole.
you get what you pay for with anything so i suspect if you spend good money on a tent, it should hold up very well. With that said, I have 2 identical cheap-o ebay tents that are 76"x76"x76". Ive hung my magnum xxxl hood from them for a couple years. Ive got to the point were I cut a tiny hole in the top and ran a wire to the ceiling in the room the help support the sag of the weak frame. But for less than $200 a tent, i cant complain about a little hole.

feed dowel rods or steel down the tubes in the frame .....will fix that issue
honestly shocked u got the amount of time out of it with those zippers and the flaps for air flow ...........but that metal is crap so reenforce it and check your hooks make sure not cracking
yep already thought about the rods in the poles lol. Yeah a couple zippers came undone but i managed to get them back together to zip. Ive never had heat issues in them if my fans stay on. the flaps are useless, easy to tape up tho. They have been assembled 3 separate times. Again not to say i dont worry about their strength or that the pricier tents aren't worth it because they are, but at the time of purchase, it would have costed me just as much to mylar a room of the same size.