grow tent fabric


New Member
ok guys , got a little d0-it-yourself action goin on an a bit of help would be nice..ive got an excellent frame, 66" tall ,48" wide,18' everything set, sewing machine an all, just hoping one of yall know a better/cheaper place to buy that fire resistant tent fabric would be ... im not goin to use any kind of industrial tarp or canvas type stuff, I do my projects to army standard, soo half ass quality materials at least me guys thanks ya


New Member
metal pipe for the frame , used the safest white paint possible ,an made sure it wasn't made of a strange metallic ...visqueen you say ? ill look into it promptly...thanks ya much


Well-Known Member
I DIY the same metal food grade shelving...I have one top shelf for my DIY co2 mixture...the lighting is hung from the underside downward...the bottom shelf has the plants on it and I wrapped it in visqueen leaving the wide "front" door for access...the visqueen was blk/wht and 10 bucks at the hydro store...for the door I used a 3/4 inch PVC pipe as tall as the visqueen and taped it to it...I can now roll the door open or's not light tight but it could be I just don't need it in my and effective...g/l


New Member
I DIY the same metal food grade shelving...I have one top shelf for my DIY co2 mixture...the lighting is hung from the underside downward...the bottom shelf has the plants on it and I wrapped it in visqueen leaving the wide "front" door for access...the visqueen was blk/wht and 10 bucks at the hydro store...for the door I used a 3/4 inch PVC pipe as tall as the visqueen and taped it to it...I can now roll the door open or's not light tight but it could be I just don't need it in my and effective...g/l
very awesome idea with the pipe and rolling the door , im visiting my local greenthum/ homeD today to price an check it project is a 4x4,78' tent, ill have a 2x2 x4 x 66' tent inside of it , idea being a 4-5 plant perpetual, smaller tent for germ/vegging (lighted accordingly), and the larger portion for flowering again lighted accordingly, all discreet,professional high yield personal producer, just have to up ventilation like crazy , but not an issue,,,truth be told I was thinkin of making the smaller tent shell out of that thicker heat resistant mylar type of fabric( almost looks like the material used for sun visors in a vehicle<cant remember the name) , as to keep a good amount of light reflecting inside flowering portion an to minimize cost of shell as it will be dual side reflection an no need to purchase secondary outter shell ,but again more advice there would be nice ,, the tent will have all ventilation features as a purchased tent , all in all a lot of homework before I start sewing but .. yalls feed back is most appreciated ,thanks for helpn out