It all depends on how much light you are giving the plants in the first place... I'm running three 250W HPS, and a 400W MH in a 4' X 2' closet, with a box fan at the bottom, blowing up, a Vornado room circulator blowing up, and an oscil fan to dance my canopy around, not to mention I keep a fan on my remote ballasts in the room outside the closet, which blows that hot air out of the whole room, and I leave my grow door open, but I do use a thick, white towel to not only reflect back, but also to allow for plenty of ventilation, as well as a "barrier" to keep in some of the CO2 I produce as well, and I run 73-80 degrees from night to peak daytime temp, and at the hottest, my plants are as healthy and lush and during flowering, are always just covered in trich's and as sticky as you please... So, yes, and no-it just depends... 90 is REALLY a little bit too hot though, I'm fairly sure.... Not saying it's not do-able, but I'd be getting a bit worried at those temps, myself... I'd leave it open if you can, without having any security issues...