Grow stores can be more than a store?


Well-Known Member
Three cheers for the land of the FREE! Fuck the United States government.

I have read about Operation Green Merchant before as well as countless other unconstitutional agendas on the part of US law enforcement agencies. It really sickens me. Like, makes me sick to my stomach. I have so little to be proud of in this forsaken country. These articles go to show all of the 'know your rights' folks out there that simply knowing your rights only matters if those rights are truly there. Which they obviously are not. I want nothing more than to raise my family elsewhere. This country is on its way down. Legalizing marijuana federally is probably the only thing that could pull the US out of its downward spiral. And I have no doubt that this will happen, but first they want to put the competition out of business. THAT'S YOU. THAT'S ME. THAT'S ALL OF US.