Grow Space


Well-Known Member
Hi, Im trying to decide what type of light setup to have in my grow space. Im not going to be able to have any ventilation in there. Planning on doing about three plants. I've attached a pic of my grow space. Was hoping someone could suggest based on my pic where you might reccomend putting the lights and what type of lights, hps or fluros. I understand hps must be about a foot away from the plants? Could that prove a problem in the shorter height parts of my grow space? Or can you keep the plants short under hps or do they like to stretch? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
You went through the trouble of drawing that beautiful picture but there is no scale. We need to know what the size of the space is that you are working with, width height and depth. Also when you say hps do you mean 150w, 250w, 400w, 1000w?


Well-Known Member
he means scale as in dimensions.... milimeters, centimetres, meters, inches, feet etc.

measure the space, length x width x height all in the same units.


Well-Known Member
to start with if you dont have ventalation they will die.needs fresh air ( o2 and co2) to breath just like we do


Well-Known Member
scale or no scale it looks like u will be in a very inclosed area+ no ventilation= heat problems. I mean i would suggest only using cfls with a few fans but In my opinion even w cfls you need fresh air to enter your grow area and to exchange existing air to be successful.

Granny Toker

Active Member
If you would indicate on the picture how much space is available that would help the others to scale. In other words, put down how high your free space is like so:
