Grow roots from branches, on already rooted plant?

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible at all to grow a separate root system, on a plant that already has one in place? I would imagine it would be similar to cloning, but require the branch to be cut, rooting hormone to be placed on it, and for that new cutting to be placed in a medium to grow. Anyone know if that's remotely possible?
If it isn't possible, what about the plant prevents nutrient uptake from branches? I'd assume that would be the only reason it wouldn't work well. I just think it would be extremely interesting to try and grow one plant, with an extremely large root system.


it is possible to lightly scrape a shoot and place rooting hormone on the shoot "while still on plant", you will have to cut rockwool down its side place over shoot. wrap rockwool with foil or something light tight and treat like a normal clone until root show in rock wool then cut off of plant. momma will look the a x mas tree.
it is possible to lightly scrape a shoot and place rooting hormone on the shoot "while still on plant", you will have to cut rockwool down its side place over shoot. wrap rockwool with foil or something light tight and treat like a normal clone until root show in rock wool then cut off of plant. momma will look the a x mas tree.
Haha, actually I was thinking about doing a single plant, that grows parallel to the ground. There wouldn't be any ground in my setup though.


When my plants stretch i cut a bottom node and put most of the stretched stem, into the hydro which eventually turns to roots. so i think it will work.`


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what your talking about is called Multiple Rooting Sites, or MRS for short. This info is not mine by any means, just something I found on the site and coppied and saved for future references as I'm interested in trying this out aswell. Anyways, here's a pretty legit post on MRS!

OK guys just in case you are new or have absolutely no clue what im talking about im gonna toss this one out there for the people in the cheap seats...

you keep hearing me and JumboSwisher talking about MRSing a plant and how it increases yield.. here is the basics...the only catch is you have to know how to clone a little (don't really have to be good at it really) and you have to have the guts to cut up your plant (not really cut it up but you will get the gist shortly)

MRS stands for Multiple Rooting Sites

you will be basically creating a entirely stand alone rooting structure and feeding system for your plant which will supplement the plant in such a way as to allow it to constantly run with its nutrient uptake going full throttle 24/7 (this will also help with the metabolizing of micro nutes and allow more of them to enter the system also just by design)

all you have to do is break out your rooting hormone and your scissors and pick a bottom branch that is nice and fat and low hanging ... something that would normally make a killer clone

now we are going to sacrifice this future monster clone for the sake of the plant..

you take this branch and instead of clipping a few nodes back and then using it to clone cut off the end of it creating the same 45 degree angle you would normally make on a clone and scar it the same as a clone also... just like its the end of a clone getting ready to put it in your clone box or growing medium

you will now have a branch with a clone end sticking out where the bud site would normally be...
now the same as cloning you need to wet it and dip it in rooting hormone ( powder .. gel ... whatever)
and you will want to take this butchered branch and put it at least a inch into the soil below the plant bending it down into the dirt and making sure it wont pop back out again

what you have just done was make a alternate rooting site for the plant and as soon as it takes hold in about a week or 10 days you will see a sudden burst of vigor out of your plant and you will want to cut your nutes back to half strength

this is the only drawback and one of the major money savers for the high priced nutrient buying crowd out there...

with twice the rooting zone now occupying the pot it is utilizing more of the soil mass and also pulling out locked out nutrients the original root structure couldn't hope of getting so it will fill the plants gas tanks up pretty quickly and will also utilize the new incoming nutrients on a much more efficient scale which makes for less nutes left in the soil ... less nutes needed to maintain the plant at peek... and a plant that is getting just as much as it can handle on a full time basis increasing yield to huge potential...

all i can say is try it ... buy all means prove me wrong if you can... i have been using this technique for about 2 years now since i thought it up in a stoned stupor one night while taking clones and it has not failed me yet
that MRS is sick. Have you ever tried putting the second rooting site into a diffrent pot as to avoid getting to root bound?


Well-Known Member
i know an old hippie grower that utilizes this technique, only a little different, he had a great vietnamese sativa, he grew it in a 12-18 inch deep hole, topped it at the 2nd and 4th nodes and then trained them to be horizontal to the soil after about 2-3 months he'd strip the first foot of vege growth, make vertical razor cuts 2-5" long , treated the cuts with rooting hormone and then buried the plant back to the normal soil level, in about a month the plant quintupled in size and in the fall he would yield multiple lbs per plant.
These were the biggest plants i've ever seen, easily 10 feet by 6 feet by 8 feet high.
not too guerilla though...