Grow Room

smokey bacon

Active Member
Hi: All
Been trying to grow one plant for the last 2 to 3 months ok it started of slow grew it under a sky light in the attic, it was warm and humid up there, didnt do a whole lot grow wise so moved it out to the back yard where it got a decent bit of sun light during the day growth improved steadily over the next few weeks but it was coming to the end of August so was thinking of setting up a grow room for the colder months ahead. Budget is a BIG concern here so took a few weeks to consider my options. Decided to go down the LED route one main reason was electricity bills. Decided to convert part of my garden shed size wise 4 feet long, 4 feet wide, 6 feet high. Got me some white shower curtains hung them from the roof of the shed got a sheet of compressed wood painted it white for the base. The lighting is 1 90 watt UFO-LED and 2 energy saving 20 CFL bulbs, 1 desk fan and my C02 reactor.
What you think????
Is it big enough for 2 plants????
Temp wise it ranges from 65`F to 70`F is this OK????
Humidity not sure not to high though(dont have a gauge)
Pot size first grew the seed in a small wee pot to get it to leaf and then moved it to its final home in what I think is a 35 - 40L pot
Any thoughts on thisDSCN0073.jpgDSCN0075.jpgDSCN0074.jpg


Active Member
Not big enough. For the lumens/wattage I would say to you that a small HPS would do wonders (like a 150 or 250W) for your garden. You can get some cheaply online. I tried to go the CFL/LED route when I was first starting out for the same reasons you said (budget and electricity) but from experience I can say buying a small HPS is the best solution. Cheers and good luck!

ETA: I looked closely at your pictures and a single 150 HPS would light up the little enclosure you have wonderfully. And it would get the best weight/watts ratio for what you are looking at. With a single small HPS you could put at least 4 plants in that space (although 2 would be more comfortable) and you could have a nice 80-100 dried grams of good herb every 90 days depending on your ability as a gardener.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Sound for the advice man
A`int got the money at the moment gonna keep rollin with it will update you with my lack of growth lol maybe next year go for a big 300 watt panel