Grow Room Reduces Depression


Well-Known Member
I believe growing is a good therapy , specially sun light contact in winter times ! In Alaska people are required to spend certain amount of time each week at the shopping malls where they are exposed to special lights to prevent depression ... I'm guessing metal-halides like we have in our local stores .


Well-Known Member
I have struggled with depression and anxiety for the last 8 months. Very much related to stress.
Told my therapist that I smoke and grow in my basement. Told her I spend a lot of time in there working/hanging out.
She thought it was an awesome activity to do. Told me I had to work very hard to not allow things that are stressing me out come into the room with me.

Its very theraputic. Especially when the girls are doing well and growing nicely.
Sometimes though, the daily work of my room can just add to my stress.

  • I know what you mean by the work add's stress some times .... I to have bin through allot of stress specially in the past 3 years .
    My grow is not one of these smaller closet grows .. so some times thinking about all the work i gotta do and maintenance makes me
    even more depressed lol funny things . That's why next show I'm thinking of going into ebb and flow buckets .. have a friend selling me the buckets for 5$.
    That will be less stress for me knowing I just have to replace water in res and wont have to bend over and reach out with my water hose lol .​



Active Member
Seeing a post like this makes me happy and like I'm not alone. I'm in the exact same situation... dark cold grey days, lots of snow, and I find that a few minutes in the garden totally changes my mental state. Like an aquarium or a campfire something about a little bit of primal nature or life or whatever that you can capture and look at and pseudo control is a neat thing and kinda changes the brain waves a bit.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna go check on my girls... work has been no joke lately!


Well-Known Member
My plants are in a closet, so I don't get blasted like some grow areas. I'm also careful while I'm looking at my plants, only spending a minute or two in the direct light, and I do wear polarized "clip-ons" that hook to my reading specs (I just leave them pointing up, and they act like a shade). I'll move down and underneath the canopy, where the leaves block much of the light, looking for any changes in plant health or while I'm watering the girls. Then I'll back away, leaving the door open, and just the light from that is enough to make my day a good one.

I imagine you have to be really careful in larger gardens, where a lot of work has to be done under the strong lighting. I would wear a hat in that situation.
smart man!! yeah ive thought about the hat thing but its really inconvenient and a pain in the A$s but yeah man i totally agree i was in pretty bad shape myself before i began growin.... I LOVE CANNABIS!!!


Well-Known Member
My first grow I would come home after 12hrs in the factory and just sit by the closet and 'Zen'
with my girls. Totally took the edge off the day.
Starting my second grow and My Lady looks at me and says "Your not going to be obsessive this time are you?"
Of course I am ;)