Grow Room Infected With Powdery Mildew :/ Help!

Thats like three times what littletime grows with. Its ok, some guys are growers and some guys are showers....and some guys dont have either. Those are guys with baby hands.
Im the showers? LOL oh yea im a shower you shit grow. That's not the word you think it is lmfao. And I haven't shown any grow right? You havegans tho popcorn bud
So none of you arguments r shit heads have anything to contribute towards the erratication of WPM in flower?
Great thread of nothingness.
Bunch of guys arguing over their dicks.
Youze got PM on your dicks from not washing it. Try dipping it in Alkaline (PH-10) water w/ a lil H202. GetS rid of my STD's. Ha! Shitty thread.
Hey everyone, I have a growing with up to 400-500 cuts sometimes and recently I have been spotting some "powdery mildew" substances on MANY of the cuts. Any suggestions on what to do from here as far as 1. treating the infected plants and 2. what to do about the grow room itself to stop/prevent this from happening in the future. Thanks so much and happy growing to all!
Throw away the mother’s…
ASAP and start me clean room and mothers