Grow Room Infected With Powdery Mildew :/ Help!

PM starts with decay. Be sure all mediums are fully composted or heat sterilized before using. Scrub the grow-op with some bleach and water every once in a while. PM also requires high humidity to get along. High humidity is great for cloning but it ain't no good for rooted plants.
Oh alright then, you gonna post some more pictures like a bitch before you leave or naw? I like how you got really mad and had tried to prove your not larf man by uploading like 3 pics in a row. Made my night lol
Those were to give you some e ammo, you seemed desperate to win something so i figured id give you some internet bullets. Your welcome. You didnt even comment on my auto, i thought you were desperate enough to say it looked like a poop log too. Or does it beat your bud picture? Did i win?
Someones insecure about their package lol. Does talking about dudes dick size make you feel better or like turn you on?
And im no where near as insecure as someone with little girly hands. Look at the bright side. Your bud looked bigger in your small hands at least.
Those were to give you some e ammo, you seemed desperate to win something so i figured id give you some internet bullets. Your welcome. You didnt even comment on my auto, i thought you were desperate enough to say it looked like a poop log too. Or does it beat your bud picture? Did i win?
Nah with that shit grow going on? You still popcorn larf man LOL. Honestly you were the only one talking about dicks so I still have my suspicion that your a closet homosexual but my opinion is my own I guess popcorn
Nah with that shit grow going on? You still popcorn larf man LOL. Honestly you were the only one talking about dicks so I still have my suspicion that your a closet homosexual but my opinion is my own I guess popcorn
Are you suggesting being a homosexual is wrong? You better get to bed so you can make it to your klan meeting.
Im not sure you know what your talking about again. Thise were all differnt grows, and different plants. Its ok. I see your wrong a lot.
Nah when you see a plant that's been fucked like the one you got on the left? Shit grow. When you see your ghetto fence? Shit grow. When you see no structure for the canopy? Shit grow. Keep convincin yourself it's a good grow larfy
Dude your hands are small. I wont talk about your tiny penis anymore. I promise.
Doesn't bother me any, you see I didn't post pictures of my hands when you commented about them you know why? I don't care lmfao think what you want, but you lost your cool when I called you two words. Popcorn and larf. That got under your skin and you felt like a lil bitch making you post pictures to prove to me right? Who am I to you? A nobody right? But you had to prove your not larfy or popcorn to yourself cause you have shit grows. I ate that up like candy popcorn
Nah when you see a plant that's been fucked like the one you got on the left? Shit grow. When you see your ghetto fence? Shit grow. When you see no structure for the canopy? Shit grow. Keep convincin yourself it's a good grow larfy
Wow yur mad bro. Have a beer. Settle down.
Doesn't bother me any, you see I didn't post pictures of my hands when you commented about them you know why? I don't care lmfao think what you want, but you lost your cool when I called you two words. Popcorn and larf. That got under your skin and you felt like a lil bitch making you post pictures to prove to me right? Who am I to you? A nobody right? But you had to prove your not larfy or popcorn to yourself cause you have shit grows. I ate that up like candy popcorn
Uh, ok think what you want. The dispensary loves me for those popcorn larfy buds. Ive got a good buzz on and need some sex. See ya later. Oh i was just wondering why you call yourself jungle time with six plants? Night ;)
Uh, ok think what you want. The dispensary loves me for those popcorn larfy buds. Ive got a good buzz on and need some sex. See ya later. Oh i was just wondering why you call yourself jungle time with six plants? Night ;)
Ask your mom? :mrgreen: And oh yea go closet homosexual, say you need some sex. Make people think your straight after talking about dicks for the last 4 pages. Don't take such a big dick up the ass LOL
Ask your mom? :mrgreen: And oh yea go closet homosexual, say you need some sex. Make people think your straight after talking about dicks for the last 4 pages. Don't take such a big dick up the ass LOL
haha, youve never seen all the girls on my grow threads i guess. ;)