Grow room in crawl space under house......


I am thinking of building a grow room in crawlspace under house. I have an area 10'x10'x6'. Obviously the floor is just dirt with plastic right now. I am thinking of building a grow room within the crawl space with 2x4 framed walls well insulated on the exterior and covering the walls on the inside with some Orca grow film. I don't know if I should frame a floor with lumber or if I can just use a sand or gravel base for the floor? What do you think?


Active Member
You might have an issue with mold and fungus unless you isolate the room completely. I would frame in a floor and just lay a piece of plywood down w/ out affixing it and cover it w/ mylar. That way you can break the room down later w/ no prob. Or if you're staying put concrete it '2 thick. That dirt probably hasn't seen sun in who knows how long, all kinds of things to come alive once light, h20 and heat are introduced.


the room will be completely framed in and insulated on the ouside and orca film on the inside. just wanted to see what people thought about a substrate floor covering instead of a wooden floor or concrete slab. Conccrete would be the way to go but a wood framed floor will be cheaper. Oh what to do.............