grow room help


Well-Known Member
Alright so I just moved into a new house and found that we have a little storage area type thing under the floor in a closet I was wondering how it would be to grow bout 4-6 plants down there. the only thing im worried about is bugs and its pretty cold down there to but iv only seen couple dead spiders there would spiders ruin the plants? and how would i put lights down there, its a pretty big area for only couple plants so im geussing id have to close off a bit of it so i wouldnt have to have as many lights and help would be greatly appreciated thank you :peace:



Well-Known Member
hell yea, that'd be a great place to grow. keep plants elevated off the floor, get some power down there, or tap into power that's running overhead and have at it! good luck...


Well-Known Member
well i live with my mom lol so i got to find a way to get power down there somewhat secretive, and idea? and you dont think the spiders n other insects would be a problem?


Well-Known Member
there has to be overhead power down there somewhere. dont kill yourself, but figure out where it is, kill the power to it, tap into it, and throw an outlet down there. theres a guy on here that says he's an experienced electrician. find his thread and ask him exactly how to do it. i'd be down there lookin around and checkin where things are at so you can tell him exactly what you got goin. clean up the entire area. sweep it up, clean what you can. clean it as if you were going to sleep down there. your grow room should be as clean as you can possibly make it. buy insect traps, spray bug spray, etc. let us know how it goes.... good luck


Well-Known Member
hell yea man. what are the deminsions of the space. hopefully youre not a fat fuck.


Well-Known Member
there has to be overhead power down there somewhere. dont kill yourself, but figure out where it is, kill the power to it, tap into it, and throw an outlet down there. theres a guy on here that says he's an experienced electrician. find his thread and ask him exactly how to do it. i'd be down there lookin around and checkin where things are at so you can tell him exactly what you got goin. clean up the entire area. sweep it up, clean what you can. clean it as if you were going to sleep down there. your grow room should be as clean as you can possibly make it. buy insect traps, spray bug spray, etc. let us know how it goes.... good luck
thanks for the help man, one my budys is comn over tonight n ill be home alone for couple days so well check things out ill let u guys kno how things go, cheers


Well-Known Member
maybe think about growing autos and putting your lights on the side of the plants instead of the tops.


Well-Known Member
whats the difference if ther on the sides instead of the top?.. im just kinda sketch bout taping into the power cuz i live in like a complex thing wouldnt all the power to the houses be connected somehow so if i fucked sumthn up in my house would all the power go out?


Well-Known Member
i just spent 10 min writing a reply...tried to send it and got booted! ahhh!!! i was saying that each unit has it's own circuit box. power comes to building/buildings then branches off to each individual unit. that's how they know how much you used, and ur neighbor, and ur other neighbor, etc. you have to get power down there to grow, bottom line. run an xtension cord if you can. if not, your gonna have to tap into power. did you read the electrician's thread?


Well-Known Member
no i couldnt find it but i think im just guna run a extension cord down there i probly can find a way if not i looked up to see if i can get car batteries for power n buy a power inverter or w.e its called i forget n it changes it to dc so u cna plug things into the inverter


Well-Known Member
thanks man i sent him a message, if its to complicated im probly just going to run a extension cable down there but im guna go n take a looksie tom at whats all down there cuz i never checked out much


Well-Known Member
meybe you should consider showing your parent(s) a little respect and not engage in an activity in THEIR home that could get them ARRESTED!!!


Well-Known Member
lol im not the only person that grows weed in there parents house, besides who said i was guna i was pretty much just curious to see what some people thought of the spot


Just make sure that your able to get supplies and shit down there easily. Id also look into your vent situation. Since its below the house, it will naturally rise up. If you really want to keep this thing stealth and happy, look into carbon filters and such

Also, the height of the room doesn't seem like it can hold a huge plant but I'm sure a SOG would take care of that.

Are you planning on doing soil?


Active Member
or just get a 6 plug adaptor and plug the 1 plug in a socket and put the 6 plug adaptor down there!!! that would be the easy way lol!


Well-Known Member
or just get a 6 plug adaptor and plug the 1 plug in a socket and put the 6 plug adaptor down there!!! that would be the easy way lol!
haha shit i geus that would work, thanks... ye its not that high its probly bout 3-4 ft maybe and yes id probly use soil


Well-Known Member
you got lights and plants and pots and soil and all that good stuff down there?!? i'd be halfway through flower by now, lol.