Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

Why not gently transplant them into a fresh medium and a great chance of survival??? I've made waaaaaay worse mistakes and with food crops that are eaten/drank by the general public:shock:!!!yeah I'm going to hell............................. so not a big deal and don't stress yourself over it...........
Yeap ....But right now is 23:00 at night ,in Hellas .. Kinda difficult to find a place / shop ,still open to buy some new peat and perlite ... It 'll have to wait until next morning .... Although ..I'm thinking for new seeds ,if I'll replace the whole substrate ... ( ~55 Watts at plug ,with fans at ~41.5 Volts and leds at @400mA .. Still plants seem to grow fine under these leds .... Even when dying ,actually... Hmmm....I'm betting a lot on that led config ..On that particular led config .... I'm betting everything,to be honest ... )

As for bordo mix ....
It' is considered as "organic culture approved ,mineral fungicide "

Here it is used,almost at every vineyard ,there is ...
Interesting^^^^^ why are you using it as a soil drench though(foliar application or no?)/and this early???? I've never heard of it , as we mostly used chem/synthetic ferts/pesticides/fungicides/herbicides/etc......
Cause the fungus was spread in the mix ...
( Yeap...I did not buy a new one ...Thought " Ok ..I'll disinfect it ,the ol' good way ... ...
Bordo mix stops fungus spores from "hatcing " .... )
" Bordeaux mixture achieves its effect by means of the copper ions (Cu[SUP]2+[/SUP]) of the mixture. These ions affect enzymes in the fungal spores in such a way as to prevent germination. This means Bordeaux mixture must be used pre-emptively, before the fungal disease has struck. "

Simply put ....It kills everything ....Plants included ...

Good thing is that copper wash away from organic substrates ,relatively easy ..(As opposed to clay based soils .... ) ..
But aren't you in a peat/ perlite mix? should be quite acidic and not allow such large fungal colonization.......or am i missing some details here?????

edit: I see the product your describing now and yes it's widely used here commercially(copper sulphate) but it's another product combo pest/fungal treatment with bifenthrin added.......don't remember the name, I've been off the fields for some time now:)
Yes I was mistaken friend it's HIGHLY acidic mediums (4.5 phVV)that deter fungal growth or alkaline I need a brush up/ really though it wasn't that low
Oh common' ..
You're still far-far below from me ,in the chart ...
I'm a World Class champ ,when it comes to "forgetting/mistaking BASIC stuff " ...
Either way now, the damage has been done and you will transplant in the future............I hope.......on another note I was talking to my cousins in italy and they are at the point of a revolution soon!!!!! I mean they sound scared about the future, fucking shame.....I hope your doing OK yourself SDS.
Why do you think ,I'm into leds ?

Huh ?

Preparing my personal cave ,brother ...

Things in the whole Southern Europe(Portugal-Spain-France-Italy-Hellas-Cyprus...) are quite ....Hot ..
And "new" players are keep coming into ..... ( Russia, Eastern Europe /Balkan countries ,Turkey ,Israel ,China ,Southern America ...
New Pope from Argentina ? By luck ? Yeah ,right ..... )


It feels that something is going to happen ...

The Sheeple have their own limits ,you there ...
Do not underestimate the enstict of survival ,of the sheeple ...
No shield can protect from hungry/homeless masses ,with nothing to lose ,anymore...
No shield,no matter the color ...

( But still.....It's sheeple ,we 're referring to ....Beehhhh-behhhhhh.....Just sheeple ....Slaves to our flesh ....
Thus maybe, slaughter is deserved and well " earned "...Innocent, stupid ,humble sheeple ... )

argumentum ad populum....(Even for plants ,FGS !!!! )

I have ruined many a batch of nutrients myself whilst under the influence of the very plants I'm mixing the concoction for... you aren't the only one, that's for sure.

I'm sure you'll never make the same mistake again, take it as a learning experience. And who knows? Maybe those plants will bounce back and we will yet again be amazed at the resiliency lent by mother nature.

I look forward to seeing this grow when it's more in-progress.
thanks for the info... I'll make another cat4101 driver so i can show ya what they look like... but glad the recoms dont heat up as harsh as the cat 4101 i had premade boards.. i run crees on the reefing setups and they run outrageous current they're made for reef designing but yeah i can see the max vs minimum lvl at minimal they would run alot cooler.. i have premade bard designs for controllers if your interested i can link you... but it's basically the same enviorment minus the salinity.. but you can monitor ph and the when the ph hits a certain level it'll apply ph down or up til it hits certain ph.. along with ato if on a hydro system.. but with a controller on this unit your building you can create a ramp up and down like sunset and sunrise on this unit... dunno if it'll help with production or not but it'll make it like real outdoor situations.. but coming from a professional reefing background and with led lighting... I didnt realize the 2 were so close just different params.. All i'm doing is growing sea flowers..

also... have you ran them at 700ma for extended hours yet??
thanks for the info... I'll make another cat4101 driver so i can show ya what they look like... but glad the recoms dont heat up as harsh as the cat 4101 i had premade boards.. i run crees on the reefing setups and they run outrageous current they're made for reef designing but yeah i can see the max vs minimum lvl at minimal they would run alot cooler.. i have premade bard designs for controllers if your interested i can link you... but it's basically the same enviorment minus the salinity.. but you can monitor ph and the when the ph hits a certain level it'll apply ph down or up til it hits certain ph.. along with ato if on a hydro system.. but with a controller on this unit your building you can create a ramp up and down like sunset and sunrise on this unit... dunno if it'll help with production or not but it'll make it like real outdoor situations.. but coming from a professional reefing background and with led lighting... I didnt realize the 2 were so close just different params.. All i'm doing is growing sea flowers..

also... have you ran them at 700ma for extended hours yet??

Not yet ...But pretty soon ,I guess ...

Though I'm not worried ....
The cooling capabilities of the whole box ( specially regarding heasink's fins inside box and of course everything else that is enclosed ,inside )
are simply amazing ....

Oslons are binned at Ts =25°C ..
At solder point ...
heatsink 2.jpg...

I'm getting ~39°C at board ( @ = 700mA ,left working for over an hour )....
With fans working low at ~41.5Volts (typ=48 Volts/ 3000rpm , max= ~57 Volts,over 3000 rpm )
And not with one led as shown at pic .....With 36 of them ...
Tj = ~48-50 °C ....At 700 mA ..With fans at "low " .....( T ambient = ~19°C )

As for drivers ,they barely get hot at 700mA ,for about an hour of working ,being inside the box ...
There's a lot of air-flow inside the closed working box ... Almost freezes everything ,down ....

Plus ,the use of "thermal copper pours "at mc pcb of leds ...
Increasing the surface of each led's thermal pad by several %
thermal copper pours.jpg<=this is for FR4 pcbs ..Imagine for metal core ,ones ...

Anyway .....

..Another new day begun ,here....
Goodmorning .Peace to all .....

Yeap ....But right now is 23:00 at night ,in Hellas .. Kinda difficult to find a place / shop ,still open to buy some new peat and perlite ... It 'll have to wait until next morning .... Although ..I'm thinking for new seeds ,if I'll replace the whole substrate ... ( ~55 Watts at plug ,with fans at ~41.5 Volts and leds at @400mA .. Still plants seem to grow fine under these leds .... Even when dying ,actually... Hmmm....I'm betting a lot on that led config ..On that particular led config .... I'm betting everything,to be honest ... )

As for bordo mix ....
It' is considered as "organic culture approved ,mineral fungicide "

Here it is used,almost at every vineyard ,there is ...

STOP thinking soil/soil-less is the answer to your immediate problem. Gently remove them, and move them into a small bowl of water where you can SLOWLY move them around to get rid of as much toxic soil as possible, then put them in pure WATER, preferable in a dark green (Grolsch beer btl/small olive oil...), or cobalt blue glass container; if no dark colored glass, wrap glass with tinfoil to keep light to a minimum

If you have an air pump and stone, make a small bubbler and put them in.

You can also use the bubbles to remove the soil
stop playing with buckets and soils.:razz:

Come back in hydroponics :bigjoint:

NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOO . :cool: there not any hydro that can compare to the quality of pure organics in soil. so many high end dispensaries will only take organics because of the clean and smoothness that patients with actual diseases can handlebongsmilie. chem hydro may look beautiful but the trade off is super harsh smoke and crackling for the high cal strains and more often than not locked in chlorophyll.:spew:
I totally disagree with hyroot, but then I do not use high PK bloom boosters, which is a major cause of harsh smoke; that plus overferting, and not flushing

Dispensaries want organics mostly because it assures a quality grower who cares about their product. Well, so do I!

Fact is plants, unlike humans, can break down inorganic with no negatives when quality nutes are used. I use Hydroponic-Research VEG+BLOOM
This is not a hydro vs soil thread gents.

Im sure SDS is aware of the pros and cons of both... Hes clearly chosen soil for a reason(s).
Well ,I stand somewhere in the middle ...
I like the "automation " and pH / water/nutrient / oxygen buffering of a soilless mix ,like i.e. peat-perlite
(Slightly acidic organic & inert ,neutral glass /mineral ... )
Along with the use of HYBRID ferts/nutes ..

( Like the Miller Nutrient Express series and YARA ....
Those,in fact are from the best professional fertilisers ,outta there ,
combining food-grade basic mineral salts like KNO3 ,MgSO4,MgO,CaCo3,NH4NO3 and " micronutes" salts ,along with
organic 'boosters', like various aminoacids,carbohydrates,vitamins complexes ,humic/fulvic acids ,etc ..)

Till now ,I had best results ,compromising between yield & quality ....
Along with "trouble/noise/pest/flood -proof " operation ....

For just few plants ,soilless is ideal ,for me ....

As Snotboogie said ..
I do have my reasons ,for choosing so ...

But still each ,substrate ,has it's own pros'n'cons ....
8th day ,today ....

Replaced substrate with new one ...
Also had 2 more White Russian seeds in a pot ..
(Probably they'll need 5-7 days ,to germinate in the pot ...)

Have,also, to find where to dispose properly the Copper intoxicated substrate ...

I hope they'll survive now ...
In couple of days ,we'll find out ,I guess ...

Smaller pots this time ( ~ 18 lt ) ...
