thanks for the info... I'll make another cat4101 driver so i can show ya what they look like... but glad the recoms dont heat up as harsh as the cat 4101 i had premade boards.. i run crees on the reefing setups and they run outrageous current they're made for reef designing but yeah i can see the max vs minimum lvl at minimal they would run alot cooler.. i have premade bard designs for controllers if your interested i can link you... but it's basically the same enviorment minus the salinity.. but you can monitor ph and the when the ph hits a certain level it'll apply ph down or up til it hits certain ph.. along with ato if on a hydro system.. but with a controller on this unit your building you can create a ramp up and down like sunset and sunrise on this unit... dunno if it'll help with production or not but it'll make it like real outdoor situations.. but coming from a professional reefing background and with led lighting... I didnt realize the 2 were so close just different params.. All i'm doing is growing sea flowers..
also... have you ran them at 700ma for extended hours yet??
Not yet ...But pretty soon ,I guess ...
Though I'm not worried ....
The cooling capabilities of the whole box ( specially regarding heasink's fins inside box and of course everything else that is enclosed ,inside )
are simply amazing ....
Oslons are binned at Ts =25°C ..
solder point ...

I'm getting
~39°C at board (
@ = 700mA ,left working for over an hour )....
With fans working low at ~41.5Volts (typ=48 Volts/ 3000rpm , max= ~57 Volts,over 3000 rpm )
And not with one led as shown at pic .....
With 36 of them ...
Tj = ~48-50 °C ....At 700 mA ..With fans at "low " .....( T ambient = ~19°C )
As for drivers ,they barely get hot at 700mA ,for about an hour of working ,being inside the box ...
There's a lot of air-flow inside the closed working box ... Almost
freezes everything ,down ....
Plus ,the use of "thermal copper pours "at mc pcb of leds ...
Increasing the surface of each led's thermal pad by several %

<=this is for FR4 pcbs ..Imagine for metal core ,ones ...
Anyway .....
..Another new day begun ,here....
Goodmorning .Peace to all .....