Grow Pot to give it away?


Well-Known Member
What if there was a group dedicated to growing medicine for qualified patients, and making sure they get it for free? Would you donate time/money/space to help out?


Active Member
as long as the cops give a guy some slack, it would be a good excuse for me to give the old lady,"Im growing it for the sick folks not for me"


Well-Known Member
i would be happy to donate my time to a official organization that the reason behind it was to grow weed for people who need it... as long as the organization gave it to people who were unable to grow it or could not afford it. Not just for anyone with a script


Well-Known Member
I would so do that. I no how it is to knead meds. And with the way things are right now cash it tight like fuck. Smoking schwag right now, cant wait 4 my girls to finish but i got till Aug 25 for that.


Active Member
if there was an orginization that was giving meds to people who can't afford it I would have no prob donating a percent of my crop to help out


Active Member
I'd donate my time or part of my crops for sure if it was going to people who needed it/couldn't afford it, not if it was going to anyone with a card (read: Dr's Signature) though.


Well-Known Member
Just remember, according to the law, it is the same penalty for gifting marijuana to someone as it is for selling it to them.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What if there was a group dedicated to growing medicine for qualified patients, and making sure they get it for free? Would you donate time/money/space to help out?
Yes... and I'd want to make sure the product I grew went to cancer patients. Watching my dad die of cancer was horrible. I think he would have had an easier time recuperating from the chemo if he had some high grade bud instead of the nasty shit medicines they gave him that did nothing to ease his pain or help his appetite.


Well-Known Member
What if there was a group dedicated to growing medicine for qualified patients, and making sure they get it for free? Would you donate time/money/space to help out?
Hell yes.

i actually have wondered just how to start doing just such a thing.


Well-Known Member
You guys know there are dispensaries that do just this right? You have to be income qualified and whatnot, but there are clubs out there doing this. Do a search on the net and you can donate to them if you'd like.


Well-Known Member
You guys know there are dispensaries that do just this right? You have to be income qualified and whatnot, but there are clubs out there doing this. Do a search on the net and you can donate to them if you'd like.
those are all thousands of klicks from where i am at ;)

i am sure there are some in this area but they are as underground as i am.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should grow pot and give it away to all the stoners they know, 50$ an eighth is as bad as 5.oo a gallon.


Well-Known Member
another thing to keep in mind is the "jury by your peers" theory... someone dealing is apt to be viewed MUCH worse than someone who can say, "i give buds to sick people to make their lives less miserable."

and the karma cant hurt :D


Well-Known Member
Actually my friend, that is not true. Selling is a higher offense.
If you give away more than an oz I believe iit is the same penalty as selligng. Giving away under an oz is just a fine here in CA, but I believe if you give away more than a zip, your screwed. And I'm sure if these people are donating to people, they will be donating more than an ounce.