Grow Off!!!!


Active Member
Just to see whos growing some dank, I think we should have a grow
Off, not for yeild or bud size but for quality, such as appearance
Smell, taste, an high. We could make some kind of award or sativa/indica
An all all around best.. Trick is we would have to do it somewhere we could
All be present.. Open to suggestion/ideas just a thought currently


Active Member
An I think you love dick!

Honestly people quit being pussies, I'm Scared I'm gunna get
busted for smokin pot OMG. Ur legal medical users, an most of you
Are scared to mention smokin it outside of this forum. Seriously?
I bet most of you smoked pot before it was "legal" an you weren't
Afraid then, now all of a sudden u turned into vaginas. If you seen me
In public you would know I smoke, it's not cause i think
I'm cool it's the lifestyle I live, because it is what actually helps
My illness . Honestly Michigan I thought you were better but fuck
It just likethe economy the quality of people gve went down also.

Rant over! You have some stupid remark, comeback or ANYTHING


Active Member
nobody is stupid enough to show our face to strangers that know we grow plain and simple. have fun telling all your boys in the pen about all of us pussies you met on RUI.


Active Member
dude its not the boys im worried about its the hard earned money i have to waste on a defense for shooting some jacker tryin to rack my shit.


Active Member
I think your confused, what does a grow off have to do with your
Security ? I'm in no way saying let's meet at someone's house but,
I do know of a few private places that maybe be avaiable to rent or
Use for "extra curricular activitys" away from the public an the "boys"

I've done this a few times with a bunch of local patients, an always had a
Very good turn out. Its amazing what people can do with some water, dirt, an
Light. Share good meds, good times and make goodfriends. Honestly
If no one on here doesn't want to do this that's fine with me I was simply
Tryin to be nice.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I love dick like you love fists in your mouth... obviously.

I don't need to show my shit off, I know what I have and I'm not interested in meeting any new people.


Active Member
Tuff guy through the comp aren't ya? Lol I laugh at pussies like you
Hahahahahaha .

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I think it's a great idea.
I think I'd do a run of NYPD.

I've got a great clone only strain but the heavy lemon flavor isn't for everyone.


Active Member
Finally someone who is worth my time. Thanks forth positive input, I
Personally like a heavy lemon flavor.

Stump I'd call you a pussy in you face, I'm 5'8 an if you
Think ur size is intimidating you have another thing coming lol
. Not an e-thug I didn't post to hear if you thought it is a good
idea or not I posted for People who are actually interested.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Think about it, people would actually have to live up to all of the bullshit they post around here.
Like the 60 plant guy with a 4 plant closet grow worried about someone jacking him for his food stamp card.

Maybe it's the money. To broke to come off of a few grams.


Active Member
Think about it, people would actually have to live up to all of the bullshit they post around here.
Like the 60 plant guy with a 4 plant closet grow worried about someone jacking him for his food stamp card.

Maybe it's the money. To broke to come off of a few grams.
LMFAO i'm on vacation in the CHI for christmas, where you at? would you like some pics from my hotel room of the willis tower? food stamps LMFAO, oh man you brought tears to my eyes. i'm eating at fuego de chao tonight would you like some details after dinner tonight or maybe some pics?