Grow noob, looking for help on my tall skinny plants..


Well-Known Member
First, NO! Straight urine will murder your plants. It can be used to provide nitrogen with a very DILUTE formula. Plus it'll piss haha. You will need nutrient for an indoor grow. No way to get around that unless you have soil with stuff mixed in (bat guano, fish emulsion, etc.). Can't go wrong with Fox Farm. It's important to not feed your plants for the first 2-3 weeks. And then when you do start, start them out at 1/4 to 1/2 strength or it will be too strong.


First, NO! Straight urine will murder your plants. It can be used to provide nitrogen with a very DILUTE formula. Plus it'll piss haha. You will need nutrient for an indoor grow. No way to get around that unless you have soil with stuff mixed in (bat guano, fish emulsion, etc.). Can't go wrong with Fox Farm. It's important to not feed your plants for the first 2-3 weeks. And then when you do start, start them out at 1/4 to 1/2 strength or it will be too strong.
Yeah I wasn't plannin on urinating on my plants anyways haha, just thought that was sort of comical... And as far as the guano and all that, is it basically left up to the grower which nutrients to go with, or is it verbatim to use a certain nute with a certain seed..?? And I did read that on here in someone elses thread, that if if calls for like 1oz of powder to be used, start off with 1/4oz and work your way up, because to much right away burns your plants I believe..??


Well-Known Member
The nutes are totally up to you. You just need veg nutes and flower nutes. I got some Grow Big for veg and Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flower. Those are the liquid FF nutes. Yep start out at lower strength or you will be VERY sorry haha.


Haha yeah I read that nute measurements are KEY to this whole operation so I'll make sure to be careful thanks =)

And also, the nute rule still stands for the first 3 weeks correct, nothing but water for first 3 weeks... Than slowly introduce the veg nutes for how long..?? And flower nutes for how long..?? From what I've read, it seems like the grower controls when to flower and how long it should last by nutes/light/water right..??

And are these the two products you're talking about..??

I found them for $18/qt or a 3-pack of these 2 plus another one called Big Bloom for $47 for a qt of each...



Well-Known Member
Yep those are what i have. The plant's life cycle is up to you if you're growing indoors...not really but mostly. Don't feed for 3 weeks, after that start feeding veg nutes at low strength then work up to full strength. When you start to flower by turning light schedule to 12/12 you will see pistils at around 2 or 3 weeks after switching. When this happens switch to flower nutes. The big bloom can be used in both cycles. You will want to stop feeding 2 weeks before you plan to harvest...harvest times depend on the strain. Since you don't know the strain you kind of have to wing it there. What kind of high are you looking for? Head high or STONED couchlock high?
Edit: also you will only want to feed every other watering.


Active Member
Not sure if anybody mentioned this, but I saw you say you were growing "mid grades". Why? You can grow some pretty dank ass bud with just about any seed.

Some people like bricktop will jump on my ass for saying that because he's so anal about genetics n shit, but in reality you can get good crop from seeds that come from the schwaggiest bud around....


Active Member
hey man i think ur plants are kool as fuck. just grow one dank bowl on the very top, and smoke it when its still wet.


Not sure if anybody mentioned this, but I saw you say you were growing "mid grades". Why? You can grow some pretty dank ass bud with just about any seed.

Some people like bricktop will jump on my ass for saying that because he's so anal about genetics n shit, but in reality you can get good crop from seeds that come from the schwaggiest bud around....
Well I was just sayin, the trees themselves were pretty fire but not crip or anything, just some bright green dank... I see people on here call anything less than dro "bagweed" or "mid grades" so I was just slightly altering the lingo to try and make a better understanding... But yeah I've heard from more than just you that even these dank seeds I got will grow into some fire ass shit if I do it right, just time, space, and money limit me to doing anything extraordinary ya kno...

hey man i think ur plants are kool as fuck. just grow one dank bowl on the very top, and smoke it when its still wet.
^^ /fail


Yep those are what i have. The plant's life cycle is up to you if you're growing indoors...not really but mostly. Don't feed for 3 weeks, after that start feeding veg nutes at low strength then work up to full strength. When you start to flower by turning light schedule to 12/12 you will see pistils at around 2 or 3 weeks after switching. When this happens switch to flower nutes. The big bloom can be used in both cycles. You will want to stop feeding 2 weeks before you plan to harvest...harvest times depend on the strain. Since you don't know the strain you kind of have to wing it there. What kind of high are you looking for? Head high or STONED couchlock high?
Edit: also you will only want to feed every other watering.

Thanks for that tip also... Sorry for delay been outta town, startin my new setup as we speak.. AHH NERVES ARE KICKIN IN.!!! lol j/k :hump: