Grow Moms Unite!


Moderatrix of Journals
firstly let me say that as a fellow parent of a small child, in a perfect world, i would completely agree with you. i would LOVE to raise the youngest cannabis cup winner in history, for instance.
unfortunately, we don't get to live in that world. not yet, as far as cannabis goes anyway. (currently waiting for the circulating copy of "it's just a plant" to land in our handmedowns)

state-by-state laws are so convoluted, i'm just gonna run with what would happen here:

in canada, on an mmj ticket, the only ones allowed to be active in our grow are the patient and/or (if they have one) their "designated grower", so that would also exclude our children (especially minors. they make a big deal about minors here, in all things). tbh i don't know if there are any minors who are approved patients, but the dg has to be an adult, so it's not only illegal to have someone else growing in our legal grow, it's also illegal to have a minor involved in it here. minors, having no legal autonomy, don't *choose to engage in illegal or quasilegal activity. worst case scenario, it'll be construed as us having forced it upon them. and most judges and juries don't look too favourably upon those who force/employ minors in the manufacture of illegal/controlled substances. not a good scene.

BUT, we also have clear guidelines we're supposed to follow as far as security goes, and i'm pretty sure a doorknob childlock wouldn't be considered an adequate security measure here anyway.

now, maybe it's because my man and i've both been growers since before there was any MMJ program in north america, so maybe we still have a bit of that black market mentality on us, but the way we see it, all the philosophising and "right vs. wrong" debate and "it's just a plant" arguments in the world won't help you when you and your hubby are cuffed on the ground with guns to your heads and CPS is driving away with your kids. AND, whether you're right or not, whether you're legal or not, whether your arrests were warranted or not, IF The Man ends up involved, you'll suddenly find yourself in an epic arbitrary battle to prove your fitness as a parent to the authorities to get your kid(s) back.
what answers will your kids give the authorities, then? are they big enough and sentient enough to know that their words may incriminate their parents further? if the answer is no, IMHO, they have no place in your borderline-legal activities, especially since having them involved very likely MAKES it illegal.

and legal grows still get "busted" (well they do here anyway). there was just a story about a 70-odd year old grandma spending 2 nights in jail for her legal grow, where she had all her papers posted around her grow (as per instruction), she pointed out to her arresting officer that if they took the 2 minutes to count her plants, she was under her (clearly highlighted and posted) allowance, but no, they dragged her off to jail and destroyed her grow anyway. she's fighting it, obviously, but guess at who's expense, and dya THINK she's gonna get reimbursed for the gear they destroyed?? (short answer: even if she wins the case or it gets tossed out, NO.) i shudder to imagine how that would have played out if she'd had her grandkids helping her in the room.

i'm not trying to 'come down' on you or discourage you, nor do i think you're bad people (in fact quite the opposite), but forewarned is forearmed, n'est-ce pas?


"firstly let me say that as a fellow parent of a small child, in a perfect world, i would completely agree with you. i would LOVE to raise the youngest cannabis cup winner in history, for instance."

This really made me laugh
Sorry but i don't agree with having your children in your grow room, even if they are very young and you can legally grow, it just seem wrong to me.
I can understand talking to an older child (teen) and explaining what u do and why and letting them learn when they are old enough to understand but sorry seems kinda ghetto to have kids near your plants, i've witnesses a child accidently eat hash and she almost died. Yes shit happens that fast, kids do silly things, including ratting on their parents because they think they are bragging. But don't get me wrong i encourage you to grow as a family if your legal but keep your babies away from the weed. Seems basic and common sense, i'm starting to feel like people don't get that weed is a drug, not just a pretty plant
I see what you are saying & agree. I'm sure you are picturing something different then what actually goes on. I would never have drugs around my kids, ever, at any age. But a little plant sprouting, I see no problem w/ him watering them. He waters the flowers outside, waters the houseplants, this is no different. Plus, no one has access to the room where they are other then my husband & I.
I think people are getting this wrong. Why would it be okay for my son to water everything but these few plants? A child has no idea, they are having fun watering things & helping out Mom. I think a teenager is a different story...


Well-Known Member
We dont think its wrong...i think we are trying to tell you the cops would think it was wrong.....a DA would...also a judge prob would...not to mention cps....we r looking out for your best interests...


Moderatrix of Journals
Why would it be okay for my son to water everything but these few plants?
because, unless you're also growing opium poppies or something, watering those OTHER plants isn't participating in the "manufacture of a schedule whatever substance" as defined by the law. while the likelihood of getting caught red-handed is miniscule, i think what we don't understand is why you would engage (and let your son engage) in activity that effectively renders your legal grow illegal? (i don't know how it is there, but MMJ folks in canada who are charged with not playing by MMJ rules tend to get THE BOOK thrown at them.)

and personally i'd be much more wary of the 7 to 10 agegroup for unwittingly saying something incriminating. (especially if your kids go to public school. if you'd seen some of the 'surveys' and 'lifestyle questionnaires' that get sent home with some of my friends's kids..... *yeesh*) and you have to live through THAT age group before they're teenagers who at least have *some concept of the idea that not shutting up might get their parents busted.


Well-Known Member
Sorry pigtails, I just fucked your whole thread up with a stupid question like do you get the kids involved, I didnt think it would get blown into a big debate on how to raise your child. How bout changing the subject with some pictures of your plants? What kinda setup have you got?


Well-Known Member
wow , best of luck "snicker"

lmfao best part is seeing the irony is your posts, lmfao guess u don't know right from wrong "yet another snicker"
YOu are a very strange and snooty person. YOu have not only taken what Pigtails said out of context but you, for some reason, intentionally (I think) are misunderstanding what I am saying.

Right from Wrong? what the hell does that have to do with anything?

Our opinions about how we water plants has nothing to do with morals and for you to act as if it does is really kinda of strange.


Well-Known Member
because, unless you're also growing opium poppies or something, watering those OTHER plants isn't participating in the "manufacture of a schedule whatever substance" as defined by the law. while the likelihood of getting caught red-handed is miniscule, i think what we don't understand is why you would engage (and let your son engage) in activity that effectively renders your legal grow illegal? (i don't know how it is there, but MMJ folks in canada who are charged with not playing by MMJ rules tend to get THE BOOK thrown at them.)

and personally i'd be much more wary of the 7 to 10 agegroup for unwittingly saying something incriminating. (especially if your kids go to public school. if you'd seen some of the 'surveys' and 'lifestyle questionnaires' that get sent home with some of my friends's kids..... *yeesh*) and you have to live through THAT age group before they're teenagers who at least have *some concept of the idea that not shutting up might get their parents busted.
In the State Pigtails is in the law states that a greenhouse or a room with a lock on the door is all that is needed to be compliant. Nobody on this planet could see into a greenhouse or her extra room to determine who has watered the plants. Also if she is growing in the green house and there are other plant in the green house there is no law that states 2 year old children cannot enter the greenhouse or the extra bedroom. The law is there to keep (or barely try) to keep people who would access and sell/smoke the plants. A toddler in a greenhouse is not a violation of the law and if it was it is almost impossible to prove they were/are. Don't even sweat it pigtails. I have no idea why this is even a topic.


My first memory in lif3 is watering my mums cannabis plants. Today im a super happy fully functional member of dealers customers... HAR! HAR!..


Moderatrix of Journals
In the State Pigtails is in the law states that a greenhouse or a room with a lock on the door is all that is needed to be compliant. Nobody on this planet could see into a greenhouse or her extra room to determine who has watered the plants. Also if she is growing in the green house and there are other plant in the green house there is no law that states 2 year old children cannot enter the greenhouse or the extra bedroom. The law is there to keep (or barely try) to keep people who would access and sell/smoke the plants. A toddler in a greenhouse is not a violation of the law and if it was it is almost impossible to prove they were/are. Don't even sweat it pigtails. I have no idea why this is even a topic.
personally, i wouldn't feel comfortable having my kid around my plants unless there WAS a law expressing stating that minors ARE allowed around cannabis plants, but that is also within the nature of our mmj laws (where cannabis is still very much a drug and there's specific language about minors and access).

so if you have that sort of comfort level, you've obviously got more balls or nicer laws than we do.
i apologise if my concern offended you somehow, but i hardly think that merits such a dismissive response, especially since i don't think i was at all rude to you in the first place.


Well-Known Member
personally, i wouldn't feel comfortable having my kid around my plants unless there WAS a law expressing stating that minors ARE allowed around cannabis plants, but that is also within the nature of our mmj laws (where cannabis is still very much a drug and there's specific language about minors and access).

so if you have that sort of comfort level, you've obviously got more balls or nicer laws than we do.
i apologise if my concern offended you somehow, but i hardly think that merits such a dismissive response, especially since i don't think i was at all rude to you in the first place.
I didn't mean to come off as rude. Tone is sometimes hard in posts. But I do think that there is a very, very grey area here that nobody would even know about unless she mentioned it. She's my wife so I jumped in in her defense. I just don't know what all the hubub is about.

And by nicer lawn I am middle class, Church going Mormon Med student that is clean as a whistle but I don't know if that is a variable.


Moderatrix of Journals
I didn't mean to come off as rude. Tone is sometimes hard in posts. But I do think that there is a very, very grey area here that nobody would even know about unless she mentioned it. She's my wife so I jumped in in her defense. I just don't know what all the hubub is about.

i think it's a difference in the language of area-specific mmj laws; here, it's in the deblahblahblah you have to read and agree to that there needs to be a definite separation between your minors and your plants. which means, here, a single fingerprint can be incriminating. (i wasn't kidding about the world's youngest cup winner either. gahd, i WISH. and then mummy and daddy can retire on our laurels and have the kids grow the personal ;))

i've been around for this conversation between a rather-well-known grower and his teenaged son:
dad: so what strains do you want for your first crop, son?
son: i don't want to grow pot, i want to go to trade school.
dad: what the hell do you want to go to trade school for?
son: i wanna be a plumber. growing pot is for losers.
dad: [ranting] WHAT?! and just how do you think you're gonna make the $$ to go to said trade school on, PAL??? 'cuz whether you do it or i do, you're still going to your hoitytoity trade school on DRUG MONEY (<-this was before legal MMJ, obviously). never thoughta that, didja?! your old man's a LOSER eh?? LOSER is what you're gonna be when your LOSER dad quits payin fer yer shit!! [/rant]
*mellokitty trying not to die of laughter in the background*

i just figure with my luck i'll end up with a leo, or maybe a lawyer (now THAT'd be handy). :lol:


Well-Known Member
It would be great if it was just a plant,,,But it isn't is it? My boys are still too young for the talk 10 and 12...but I had the talk with my daughter the week before she went to high school..She was 14. We talked about the dangers of drugs as a whole then I explained to her about Cannibas and my use of it for arthritic pain. She was at first shocked and actually angry with me. That all came from her Mother(my ex) who was ok with it when we were together but when we split it was all of a sudden the"devils weed".....After about 6 Monthes in high school my daughter came to me and said daddy I want to try MJ. I was shocked LOL....I told her that I thought she was too young but wasn't going to forbid it and punish her because of it. Long story short she ended up waiting until the next year and then came home and told me all about it....We talked for 3 hours that night. Still never smoked with her or provided any for her cause I think that is wrong under a certain age(18)...unless of course for teminally ill minors I would make that exception.
Sorry pigtails, I just fucked your whole thread up with a stupid question like do you get the kids involved, I didnt think it would get blown into a big debate on how to raise your child. How bout changing the subject with some pictures of your plants? What kinda setup have you got?
lol, well, it's a question that would've come up anyways. I guess I should've answered, no. It's too complicated for many reasons to have kids involved. Do I let my toddler water sprouting plants & play in the dirt, yes. But my goodness! Maybe i'm not making myself clear, or some just automatically assume the worst.