Grow medium/method with least upkeep?

I am super not into things that have daily upkeep. I want to grow for a bunch of reasons but I would like to use the medium/method with the least daily upkeep.
What would people recommend for the least daily upkeep?
  • In my mind growing in super soil would be the easiest because everything is just supposed to be in there from the get go. I'm super interested in making super compost too, I grow normal stuff and it interests me there.
  • Hydroponics sounds easy because there's always enough waterbut I know you have to keep checking various metrics, and I imagine it gets complicated. Although I don't know how often you really need to do this.
    • Plus there are lots of types of hydro which makes that a bigger can of worms
  • Coco/rockwool seems like more daily checking than the other 2.
I'm not super concerned about the money but I plan to phase myself into growing to make sure I like it before I spend tonnes of money.

check this guys videos out man, if you only want to spend bare minimum time.. this guys setup seems to be up your alley, but also as some other have always want to spend a little time with your girls (plants) everyday just to make sure things are going smooth..even using this dude’s method of having it as you say “all in from the get-go” still monitor ph.. watch for signs of over or under nutrition or water ect..

Or just go with some in the bag stuff like fox farm ocean forest, and water.. won’t be the best ever but I’ve seen it done by friends and it turned out ok lol
I use amended soil notill style in 4x4 beds, with blumats attached to rainwater system and cover crop. Use beneficials for IPM. Literally walk in daily just for a minute or two to say hi and check environment. Don't have to worry about water, nutes, bugs, much of anything. I've had spidermites, fungus gnats, and whiteflies before, but all under control since using beneficials.
OK got it to be hands off I need a reservoir:
inside/outside with soil/coco + blumat with big resevoir = awesome
Hydro + big resevoir = awesome

I looked to up and the pricing is about the same. Then if I'm using a reservoir I guess I need to do about the same amount of work.
Bluemats and autopots seem to be about the same amount of money for 2 plants. So it's just a preference?

Setting up a blumat on a new plant seems little more finicky than an autopot. Drying/wetting/tuning. So autopot seems like a winner? Use as best a soil I can manage and off I go?
I could always switch to non-soil with autopot later on.

Sounds right? or did I make a stupid jump?
I was a fan of flood & drain but have since switched to sub-irrigation myself; My big motivator was no pumps means no failures and silence was the secondary goal. The big rez + flood/drain is a winner for sure otherwise. I'm contemplating going back for a run doing f&d as I have some nutes to use up.