Grow-Lab Construction/Exaust HELP?!

Dr Funkenstein

Active Member
Hello everyone! I'm about to set up my Prop 215 Grow-Lab/Cab within a closet and I'm still confused about some things.

Here are my designs for my Grow-Lab:

Well the totall length of the grow space is 4'/2.5", but I'm not quite sure how I want to divide the space exactly. I know the Flowering Room needs more space to grow and branch out, so that must be bigger than the Vegging Room as depicted. Just unsure of the exact measurements I should go with, that would best fit the number of plants I want to harvest per month. (1/2-Lb. per month, ideally.)

Now I realize the temps must remain fairly similar in both the flowering and vegging rooms, so the current exaust system doesn't appear to be a problem, but considering the humidity levels differ in both grow chambers, I'm wondering if I should either move 'InLine Fan#1' above the grow chamber(or lower 'InLine Fan#3') to exaust the vegging room seperately, to enable more control over humidity levels?

Also, the 'sky-blue' color at the bottom of the grow environment represents the cool air coming thru the intake. The 'red' color represents the flexible ducting that will exaust the hot air. I am debating on whether or not I plan to use a passive intake or non-passive. I am still confused between the differences of the two. My intake will be drawing air from another room on the other side of the closet and I will also be exausting into this room.

In the Vegging Room you will see I have my light of choice listed as either a CFL or MH light. Any advice on that would be tremendously helpful. As for the Flowering Room, I am positive I want to use an HPS light, yet still unsure of what size or the number of lights I want to use. I aim to run the most energy efficient system, while producing the most quality medicine I can (without burning the house down)


Now here is another 'Room Split' issue. The room that my Grow-Lab closet is in has carpeting. Even though I plan on removing the carpet from the closet itself, there will still be carpet right outside the closet space. I have pets, and I am concerned about pests invading my Grow-Lab. So my question is, should the depth of my grow chambers be only 2 ft deep, to allow for a 1ft margin of uncarpeted, sanitized work-space/walking-space before the start of the carpeted room, the closet is in? As shown in the image above? Or should I utilize that extra space, and use it for plant growth? As shown in the following image:

Sure, most would say to sacrifice the sanitary issues, for more plant space, but I also have minor security issues I have to deal with. I'm assuming by leaving 1ft of walk space, I would also have the option of adding more insulation, thus containing any undesirable odors within the grow environment. Or do you think with such a small space, and the level of odor control I have instore, that this will not be a problem?
Also, I must remember that I need room outside of the grown environment to mount my controls and possible breaker box( which I need more help on, obviously) There may be times when I want to monitor things while my babies are sleeping. So I am slightly stumped here.

Thanks for your help. Any advice, or suggestions on how I can improve my current designs to be top notch would be extremely appreciated. Help me, and lets watch this project grow. I've been researching things for about 4 months now, read a couple books, spent many nights trolling forums, websites and a grip of videos/tutorials, and hopefully will be ready to launch soon. It's so close I can smell it!

Let me know of any suggestions you have, or anything you can spot that can be fixed or even improved upon. Thanks Roll-It-Up'ers!

Dr Funkenstein


Active Member
for temperature, anything between 65-85 is alright, of course, 75-80 would be ideal. humidity is where you may need to have separate controls. humidity can be as high as 60% during the vegetative state, but during flowering it should be significantly lower, like 40% max because high humidity can lead to bud rot and mold/mildew.

for ventilation, it's always better to err on the side of having more than enough than not enough, so a happy average of the total volume of the closet and your grow chambers should be fine. you can never have too much ventilation, just use common sense. hope this helps a little.

Dr Funkenstein

Active Member
for temperature, anything between 65-85 is alright, of course, 75-80 would be ideal. humidity is where you may need to have separate controls. humidity can be as high as 60% during the vegetative state, but during flowering it should be significantly lower, like 40% max because high humidity can lead to bud rot and mold/mildew.

for ventilation, it's always better to err on the side of having more than enough than not enough, so a happy average of the total volume of the closet and your grow chambers should be fine. you can never have too much ventilation, just use common sense. hope this helps a little.
Thank you, and it has! :mrgreen: So I'm guessing it might be a good idea to move "InLine Fan 1" up above the grow chambers(or move 'InLine Fan 3' down), to exaust the vegging chamber itself, seperately, to enable more control over potential humidty issues. Unless I would be able to get away with the way things are arranged now, and still maintain two different humidty levels? Which really seems difficult, if not impossible.

Thanks again, Shapeless. Please take a look at my current designs and let me know how I can improve my rig. Respect! :blsmoke:

Dr Funkenstein

Dr Funkenstein

Active Member
for temperature, anything between 65-85 is alright, of course, 75-80 would be ideal. humidity is where you may need to have separate controls. humidity can be as high as 60% during the vegetative state, but during flowering it should be significantly lower, like 40% max because high humidity can lead to bud rot and mold/mildew.

for ventilation, it's always better to err on the side of having more than enough than not enough, so a happy average of the total volume of the closet and your grow chambers should be fine. you can never have too much ventilation, just use common sense. hope this helps a little.

Hey, I was told from someone in another forum, that I did not need 'InLine Fan#1-2'. Nor did I need the Ozone Treatment box. They said it would almost be over-kill. They suggested a 400cfm fan to extract the volume of the closet.

What do you think? I may drop those 2 fans and Ozone box and raise the roof of the actuall grow chambers up a foot, for more growth space.

Also, I've been advised to go with CFL in my Vegging Room as there will be too much heat to go with an MH with such a small space. And either a 400wHPS, dual 250wHPS, or a 600wHPS for my Flowering Room.

Some others have been suggesting I run seperate intakes to specifically cool the lights and ballast box. The way I have things arranged now, they said the heat from the lights will fry the ballasts within the box. If I was to bypass the ballast box all together, and route the ducting past it, would this change things?

Thanks for your input!

Dr Funkenstein :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I think u can get rid of the inline #2 but the rest looks amazing and hey if u got the $ for the ozone treatment go for it !