Grow Journal, CFL


Active Member
This is my first real grow, I have grown before but I have had to clip the plant early due to parent problems. Now that I have my own place, I'm ready to get things started. Because of employment issues, I can't get anything big started now. So I decided to go the cheapest rout. Currently my plant is a little over a month old and its still in veg. I am unsure of the sex, but I'm betting its female. I have read a lot, so I know a lot.. But that doesn't mean I have the experience. So that's why I am starting this journal. :) I really would have started this earlier, but people like buds so I decided to do it now. I'm most likely going to lst this plant till it gets as wide as my huge square pot, then force flower. I am still debating when exactly to flower this beast. It has new shoots coming up everywhere. I am gonna top it a few times when these top fan leaves get bigger.

Anyways here are the stats.
Light cycle: 18/6
12:00PM on-6:00AM off.

No nutes yet, I am gonna wait till flower. I have read a lot about that nutrient shit, and I still don't quite understand what nutrients I need to buy -_-"

Plant height: about 1-1/2 ft.
Soil is miracle grow, mixed with manure/compost.

Pictures: these pictures were taken roughly around 1am central, so ill take more/update in a few hours when I turn me lights on.



Active Member
About to post pictures soon :)

I hope someone subscribes -_-
Well at least someone with a know-how in the growin game.


Active Member
Here is the update :)

The plant bloomed during its rest period, new shoots popping up. I need to construct something soon to support my huge beam lamp. These sub woofers are getting annoying. And I'm running out of things to put under it to raise it up :/

Anyways.. Pictures! :D



Well-Known Member
Why bother opening the thread if you aren't gonna reply? Sounds like a waste of time..
Patience is a virtue :lol:

I like your CFL hood. No nutes until flower seems like a long time. I'd look into some grow nutes, i use pure blend pro. What kind of Miracle gro soil? Is it the slow release kind?

Good luck with your grow.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Yeah I plan to use cfl the whole time. And I will get nutes when I can. The soil is the slow release kind. Ill post an update tomorrow it has grown quite a bit after I added the 42 watt.


Active Member
Hellz yeah. CFLs are fine. I just want an HPS for flowering. I want to start some more plants here pretty soon. I had 2 seedlings, but I pulled them. I am inpatiently waiting for the sex >:| i forgot to mention that I had the plant in 12/12 for like 8 days, cuz I wanted to see sex, but I had to switch back to veg to beef it up. Hopefully ill see pre-sex signs soon.


Active Member
I would like to get an HPS for flowering, but if I can't I should be good with these lights huh? I have about 175 watts on it.


Well-Known Member
I would like to get an HPS for flowering, but if I can't I should be good with these lights huh? I have about 175 watts on it.
It'll flower ok but the buds will be light and airy. I veg with CFLs but for flowering you'll want an HPS for best results. My sincere opinion.

Check this link: GROWFAQ


Well-Known Member
The soil is the slow release kind.
In the future I'd stay away from the slow release soil. It's too difficult to regulate and hard to diagnose/fix soil deficiencies and overdoses. I'm sure your grow will do fine but you may run into difficulties that could be avoided by using a better quality soil.


Active Member
My soil is fine, the ratio of miracle grow to compost/manure is 1/3.
I know about miracle grow soil that's why I didn't use that much. It does have good qualities about it, I just don't like the fact that its hard to flush out. Well here are some pictures. I pruned off all of the large fan leaves.

Also after I harvest these, I am gonna be ready to start my next grow.

(1) white rhino fem.
(5) northern lights
(3) aurora indica

And I already figured the buds would be light and airy because CFL just don't have proper penetration. I am keeping a fan on the plant, so I know the buds will have density.

Enjoy the pictures :)



Active Member
That's coming right up! Very exciting! :weed:
Thank you! well I got another 42 watt 2700k CFL :) it seems to be raping the plant :o

Forgot to update yesterday, I had a lot going on. Well anyways, my plant is growing great. It has some heat burns on some of the leaves but I'm not trippin because the damage is very minimal. If worst comes to worse looks like ill have to prune off some fan leaves (oh noes!!11!!!) lmao..

My friend dropped a book (random) on one of the main colas and broke it off, I just taped it back on and when I took the tape off today it seemed to be healing up fine. So no harm there thank mary jane.

I have been so eager to start flowering, but I want more than an ounce :/

here are pictas.

