Grow Journal, Bag seed, going to be limiting root space


Ok so this is about day 6 after germinating and just moved it under the actual light that has been set up after it just growing by the window for the first few days.

The pot that it is in right now is going to the same pot for the whole growth cycle:weed:.

It seems a little bit stretched and growth is not what i was hoping for so far but its my first grow and is moreso an experiment to get at least a little bit of experience under my belt.

Unfortunatly my camera cable is missing....but the pot is around the same size as a 16 oz cup but slightly larger, the only problem that i can see so far is that the stem is VERY thin, and the stem is about 3 and 1/2 inches tall with very small this something i should be worried about?


Well-Known Member
Several ways to handle the problem. Dig it up gently and plant it deeper or add some additional growing medium if you have room in order to cover more of the stem. I like to keep a fan lightly blowing on mine at all times. Toughens up the stems real good to have the exercise of flapping in the breeze. Also good for dissapating heat etc.


Several ways to handle the problem. Dig it up gently and plant it deeper or add some additional growing medium if you have room in order to cover more of the stem. I like to keep a fan lightly blowing on mine at all times. Toughens up the stems real good to have the exercise of flapping in the breeze. Also good for dissapating heat etc.
Sweet, thanks for that info, I just spent 5 minutes planting it slightly deeper into the soil, luckily the root system hasn't really spread yet and was still the main root.


Apologize for the double post, what is the best strategy for encouraging only 1 cola to grow?

Any advice is appreciated


Oooook, Day 7.
Basically same thing as day before.

Today I began construction n my grow box, which is only going to be around a square foot wide and like 4 feet tall because i am only planning on growing 1 plant at a time. For the first few grows i am only growing out of a 16 oz cup or a slightly bigger glad ware.


Oooook, Day 7.
Basically same thing as day before.

Today I began construction n my grow box, which is only going to be around a square foot wide and like 4 feet tall because i am only planning on growing 1 plant at a time. For the first few grows i am only growing out of a 16 oz cup or a slightly bigger glad ware.
BUmp added a couple pics of my little girl (hopefully)

Any opinions/tips



Aight day 8,

Not really much has changed, i may wait till something changes before i post again.

Quick question though, is the size of my plant a wee bit puny for being day 8? or is its size about right?

See above post ^


Active Member
hey . just read your thread did u fix the lanky stem? another thing you might think about is what sort of light your using and how far away from the plant is it? if the lights to weak or to far away the plant will stretch? as far as the one cola ? goes , im no expert on this as i always grow bigger plants as bushy as poss, but id say first of all it mostly has to do with genetics as to wether it bushes or not . but if ur trying to encourage it maybe not having to big a pot would stop lateral branches , i use large pots to try and encourage them so maybe the opposite will work for you. if you flower when there still small youll almost always end up with one main cola.


Well-Known Member
if you just want one colo do no top or fimm it. you will end up with one main cola. you will have side buds but the only way to really stop those would be to trim the limbs, which i wouldnt recommend. btw why are you only gonna grow it in that tiny pot, half full of dirt? ohh and your plant is stretching. get it more light, or move lights closer. preferably both.


Day 9,

Well just read your posts and i do think your right that it is going to need more light, atm im only using a 70w equivalent light.

Once i get some time im going to try and add another light fixture in the room. Just in case this plant ends up being a flop which it looks like i have another seed germinating right now.

more pics uploaded

And i just now realized how dumb of an idea it was to only fill the the pot only halfway, but i am planning on only using this size pot to limit growth due to such a small grow area.



Oooook, well after reading all of this i went out and grabbed another pot, filled it with a mixture of soil and a wee bit of fertilizer and moved another light into the room and moved it closer to the plant.

My baby has been transplanted into the new pot and hopefully tommorrow ill see some improvement.

Wish me luck!


Bad luck, my baby is dead.

my 2nd germinated seed just went into the pot, so ill post in a couple days when it breaks through


Well-Known Member
you should get some peat pods for starting seeds. they rock and you can just transplant them right into your pot when they start popping roots. the best i found were from a local hydro shop. but walmart has the little jiffy greenhouse things, with like 60 or so, and a smaller version. your light should only be like 3 inches from the plant maybe a bit more as a baby.