Grow house bust , FLIR


Well-Known Member
Okay, now can someone please tell me how the fuck we are all going to properly insulate rooms to stay off of that fucking helicopter radar? I guess we all need good effective advice to protect our investments and livelyhoods...where are all you professionals who are willing, knowlegable and can positively tackle this challenge??? Then how are we going to tests it's effectiveness? We HAVE to stay one-step ahead....
Um... Dont grow 200 plants at once... Do ya think it was all for personal use? :mrgreen:


Active Member
Okay, now can someone please tell me how the fuck we are all going to properly insulate rooms to stay off of that fucking helicopter radar? I guess we all need good effective advice to protect our investments and livelyhoods...where are all you professionals who are willing, knowlegable and can positively tackle this challenge??? Then how are we going to tests it's effectiveness? We HAVE to stay one-step ahead....[/quote

Well they were being watched and had way too many plants and the chopper op had an idea what he was looking for...


Well-Known Member
the only reason an infrared chopper was hittin that house up was because they where dealing lots of the shit, and being sloppy about it. If you grow for your own personal use and keep to yourself bout it, the probability of this type of shit happening to you is extremly low. I mean if My dad and I where slanging 17 pounds of bud and you know the kid is just selling to all of his friends and there friends eventually that friends friend will sell to a Narc or Cop and its gonna flip back to you.


Well-Known Member
Nobody has yet to mention HOW to INSULATE properly, ecs if it was seen through windows and not the roof and walls. I see alot of advice on what kinds of reflectives to use indoors but NO advice from anyone on this site about insulating from wandering eyes ( those with infared sight). We can never underestimate authorities and who's stopping them from taking the skies again on some stakeout checking over people's homes looking for too much heat coming from a different than them watching electrical usages...or flying ahead looking for plants grown outdoors...Who HAS THE ADVICE ON PROPERLY INSULATING WINDOWS FROM INFARED????!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Never ever sell in your block or out of your house
just meet people somewhere else,get some help and turst your instint


Active Member
Is it possible for a copter to detect the heat from a 400 watt HPS bulb? Or does it only work when theres a lot more lights and heat produced? If copters can detect this heat, what can be done to insulate it better?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for a copter to detect the heat from a 400 watt HPS bulb? Or does it only work when theres a lot more lights and heat produced? If copters can detect this heat, what can be done to insulate it better?
just depends where u have the light
and most the time 400 isnt significant enough


Well-Known Member
i would say always keep cool tubes on , exaust fans on intake fans on ,, it will circulate the air enough ... they had 200 + plants ,, im sure they had alot of HID's .. i know ppl who dont bother with anything less than AT LEAST 2 1000 W hps & they never sealed off windows .. mabye move ur opp to an interior room in the house ..get an air conditioner & vent all the incomming air to mix with stale hot exaust air & hot cool tube air ,,, ... ,, if not possible ,, id try to cut styrafoam to fit in the window sill , then cut out cardboard to fit snug in there & layer that cardboard about 5 or 6 pieces .. then on the very inside put a piece of plexi glass cut to fit percisely.. can never bee too safe :(


Active Member
Exactly, the article did mention they received a tip so that is what prompted them to investigate with FLIR. Dumbasses were probably selling right out of the house...real smart.


Well-Known Member
Thousands of people run large watt HPS and MH lights for there fish tanks and live aquariums, in basements and bedrooms across the world, If you run a large scale grow operation like that, you have to know what the fuck you are doing. They didn't. and paid the price.


Well-Known Member
They should give them back there High Times magazines so when they are in jail they have something to read.

I just hope they don't drop the soap.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for a copter to detect the heat from a 400 watt HPS bulb? Or does it only work when theres a lot more lights and heat produced? If copters can detect this heat, what can be done to insulate it better?

If you have one then it will be fine but you must have had multiple growing lights in order to grow 200+ plants.

I wouldn't worry about it.