Grow grow grow my little beauties…..


Well-Known Member
does your tray have a hole drilled out with about a 4-5 inch piece of tubing coming out of it for draining the tray and another hole with no piece of tubing to allow water to come in? if so that is ebb and flow. nft is constant flood constant drain, water runs from one side of the tray to the other and drains just as fast as it fills so that u only have a thin layer of water over the roots NFT is much like dwc but without having your roots completely submerged in water inside a single rez. Hope this helps. Ill be watching. Scribed.


Thanks caseyg, I think I was mistaken when I said I was running nft it sounds more like ebb & flow to me. It’s a big 40Ltr tray with another smaller thin tray that sits on top of it. The top tray has the bottom end cut out for it to drain back into the storage tank underneath. It has a pump and tube from the storage tank that runs into the top of the thin tray.

I so want to go bubble head next grow!!! I’ve got a small aero garden running at the same time as mine, and they look sweet enough to eat!

No new stems sprouting out this morning. I am not wiping the condensation off the lid anymore and am making sure I open the lid 4 or 5 times a day for a couple of minutes.


Well-Known Member
yo....yes mate mine is constant flow with pump one end and hole other with lines back and forth for water to flow .. one big tank holding water and another just on top with root mats dwn and consatnt run o fwater over top as top shelf is built unlevel slightly... does this make sense??? how would you name this system????? thanx for advice and info... glad to see your keeping an eye on the grow with me........


Man I knew I forgot something lol I promise next time round I’m going to keep a constant journal.

I had so many problems with this grow it was untrue. So some of my seeds never made it, and a friend grower saw my set up and said shut it off. He said its not worth the running cost for the yield I was going to get. He said seeds are crap and clones are the only way to go. Funny that, as he goes on to tell me he has a mother I can have clones from (Only $5 a pop too)

The next day I collected 40 cuttings from my pal off a mother that looked dead to tell you the truth, but I’ve seen his current grow from the same clones so who am I to moan. Well anyway, he told me to keep them in the prop unit for up to 14 days for signs of roots and them put them in my system. Once the last one goes in give it 7 days of veg before flipping over to 12/12.

I wanted to build a bubble system for my next grow anyway, so now seemed a good a time as any. So off I went to build my boxes while I still kept my original Super Skunk plants in veg (do you really think I was going to kill them off lololol) and my clones waiting to root.

Bang on day 14 I could see roots coming out of a number of clones, and my first box was ready and waiting so I put them in the system. Over the course of the next week or so all my clones rooted and were put in to the bubble boxes. By the time the last clone went in and I flicked over to 12/12, the original super skunk plants were already monsters. Now I know now I could have topped them, but I thought I would’ve had the space lolololol

At one point I could see the ones at the back moving forward slowly. I said to my mate we’re growing triffids not skunk here. Well a couple of days later they had walked halfway across the room!! What had happened was they had got so big they pulled the tray over! What a nightmare that was. I ended up putting up some netting and poles etc.. That was four weeks ago and I must have saved them as they are all looking well now.

My biggest problem has been timing. Because I bought the clones and refused to kill of the super skunk that had been growing for almost a month by then, everything has been out of sync but I knew that. The clones in the bubble boxes I built are looking the dogs (and you guys don’t know how proud I am of them!! I cant build shit lol) so all’s well that ends well I guess.
