Grow green controller

Anyone know of any other similar controllers that have come out recently? If I can’t find anything my next option is to start playing with Audino controllers and make my
Own as a project.
Nothing new but check out steves led. I got their controller. It works just fine. They answered a bunch of my emails in support. Very happy with steves led
Nothing new but check out steves led. I got their controller. It works just fine. They answered a bunch of my emails in support. Very happy with steves led
I have the HurricaneX from Steve’s led! Yeah it works fine but it can only do one timer with delays of other Chanels . I’ve put in a couple of far red pucks from rapid
Led and planning to put in some uva led pucks in. But currently
I have the far red pucks on a separate
the chilled light controller 99 dolars... down to 50% from 199 dolars... problems on the Olimpo?...
...maybe to fight in prices with others controllers?...maybe Trolmaster?... ;-)
i prefer go on Meshtek way... ou yeahh.. i can go with a mix of controllers (meshtek ..arduino...raspis...esp32...ou yeahh)
and pay similar than other comercials controllers ...but doing lot of things more...jejejej diy win lot of times...
i see California lights using the Bluetooth Mesh Net tech ....they catch the idea very well... ouuuu yeahhh
...on diy side we can go on similar or better way...ouu yeahhh pondra mucho mas interesante el tema controladores para diy a finales de este año y el proximo año...ou yeahhh
...y sigo aprendiendo del tema industrial y comercial sin comprar ni usar gratis...ouu yeahh

...echo voices... do you remeber Wilson when i talk about ESP82xx... her OTA functions... seeds studio catch the idea...
lot of hardware IOT cames whith an ESP82xx... then comes Tasmota and Espurna firmwares (i Include Espeasy or Esphome...) to help us on Diy side... on these days Esp32 family grow a lot...

remember Wilson when i talk about arduinos? with arduinos mega minis (no mention other dev boards actually there a more dev boards ways than arduinos way big booom on dev boards way these year and next)...on raspis there are a lot of cool modules actually there are modules for DALI for DMX and for KNX and can run lot of diferent OS (windows 10 or linux. etcetc and play with her IOs outputs on arduino style)....or go with the mix ...arduinos + raspis + esps (i like fusions) on diy we can go on lot of ways... on sensors we can use industrial...and comercial... and on the diy way there are a lot of options too..

remeber Wilson when i talk about displays...actually we can go on 10,1'' touchscreens ...or 7'' on not too expensive way...

yeah Wilson mix all in domotic way...with smartphone and apps ... and yeah welcome to 2020...
juasss soy viejo no tengo aun smartphone y estoy aprendiendo a hacer APPs para android (para mi tv box seguro me servira para mas cosillas)...jejeje...y gratis sin comprar o usar nada...juasss

you can use lot things learned to go on your diy house... not for novatos... but on these days no too dificult too...for my pov (old electrician pov)...but maybe im wrong... or maybe not... ustedes mismos...
...i told you Wilson... juassss:hump::fire:
...for the Bro Guod... i love you Bro... thanks a lot for all...disfruta del Olimpo :hump::hug::clap::fire:

...tu viejo consejo de read read read + lean learn me a lot...
...tu viejo consejo RTFM.... aun suena en mi cabeza cuando veo Datasheets...juasss


...y mientras espero sigo aprendiendo sin comprar ni usar gratis...eso si mejor sentado cuando ves los precios de las cosas industriales y comerciales de calidad... pero nada nuevo bajo el sol...juasss riu.. el post borrado lo hubiera borrado yo mismo ...estaba en gracias por borrarlo por mi...and sorry for my spanish...and bad english write...(no te ofendas por mi idioma) but you know me a "pacific"...normally...sharing in "peace" from years...but heyy i try...ou yeahh i try...

wilson musikita para el Bro RS... Bro on Renovable Energy...there are solar panels for fotovoltaic and ..Agua Caliente Sanitaria... controllers... gel battery with lot of years waranty... on prices not too expensives than years talk about 500- 1000- 1500w... en compras conjuntas mejoran los precios y las calidades... aunque si hay peña suficiente porque no montar una pequeña cooperativa agricola?...mi pov claro
sum an mini/medium eolic turbine (not the expensive ones) at the mix (200-500 w)...
...and yeah Wilson on water pumps we have las bombas de ariete hidraulico works 24h without electricity or gasoline or butano...just with presion por caudal elevado..
....y tenemos las cocinas solares ...los hornos haces un mix lo puedes flipar...calientas agua y usas vapor a presion ...en poco tiempo puedes tener tanques de agua a 90 grados o mucho mas... usamos el calor residual de los motores o luces mas agua caliente...
...que comprimes aire.. y añades hidraulica...juass...hay muchas vias de reutilizar la energia y guardarla no solo con baterias...juasss
...when i have un ratito...juasss ...i do a search and view on desalinizadoras de agua salada...a ver si me da tiempo y veo algo en diy...por si se pone esto a cara de perro... me piro pal Hierro y con eso y las renovables ...y que me corten la luz o el agua no me importara...juassss (nota de bitacora...debo pasarme por las depuradoras de agua salada para consumo y ver si puedo hablar con los tecnicos para ver que puedo usar en diy actualmente (en Lanzarote y el Hierro se que tienen versiones industriales...a ver que usan hoy en dia y que puedo usar para diy) los profesionales me suelen dar buenos consejos...y yo tomo nota) course..

cuidate mucho puntal se te RS and other Bros here...

...una frase que me dijeron una vez... el relojero tiene dedos finos y ojo de cristal.... paliques de viejos profesionales...y tome nota..


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