Grow experiment

lewis T

Active Member
i'm trying an experiment with one of my pukka skunk seeds i'm flowering straight out of the propogator !!!
The plant is squat and bushy but after 3 weeks in flower still no signs of sex ???? the other plants i've grown have taken this long but then they had been matured a bit first.
i can't wait to see how it turns out !!!!

What do you all think will happen ?? Bansi skunk ???


Active Member
I've tried this before with white rhino, Yeah its the best smoke I've grown u just don't get much of it. The plants were like a foot or less tall but just one solid bud, well easy to prune

lewis T

Active Member
wicked i thought thats what might happen. what about flowering times and stuff nutes that sort of thing ? was it simalar to a normal ish grow?


Active Member
Yeah i just used exactly the same setup. Try using PK 13/14 only on the 5 week of flowering tho. this is high in potasium + phosfros, makes buds boom!


Active Member
I was just using it for hydro, i just grow totaly organic now. tastes better. Pritty sure u can use pk for soil, can't see why not, don't know for def tho.

lewis T

Active Member
ill ask at the grow shop i go to not tried anything like that yet just used bloom nutes
cheers dude