Grow Closet Help

Hey guys, I recently finished my stealthy PC box and started my first few days of flowering on my first grow. I built the stealth PC box because I was still living with my parents while they found a place, almost immediately after finished the box, they said they had found a place and would be out by summer.

I have a 4x3ft closet in my room that's about 8 feet tall with a 1 foot storage shelf above it.

If this first grow goes well, and the next seedlings I plant turn out good. Then I want to upgrade to my closet in the summer since I'm not living with anyone who cares.

I would love input, advice, and pictures to help me build this. Especially from people who have done a grow closet or a grow with similar dimensions available.

Thanks in advance to everyone who helps me out. ^^


Well-Known Member
Well the first order of business is..what Method of cultivation are we gonna pursue..Hydro,soil? But the least i could tell you right now is after dozens of closet grows ive just recently started to use LED's due to their extremely high efficiency. and to say the least if your growing in small space's these are the way to go.


well it seems you have my set up im running now in your mind. what u can do is have a 6 site tub and run 5-7 gallons of water useing sprinklers inside running 24/7 with a air stone with a air pump. its been working great low maintenece. check it out.

as you can see i got 2 90watt grow ufos and 1 300watt cfl. this is more then enough and its a perfect set up in your closet. as i am speaking from experiance. :) should think about it. ! if you have any questions hit me up. happy growing
Toyota that's a DANK setup. I have a hydro system, but my first grow is natural potting soil with little nutes/fertilizers/bulb booster. I would have to check the hydroponics to see how many plants it would work with, but I don't mind doing soil either. Whatever is easiest with the fastest results, I plan on using a crop cycle technique so I'm more concerned with maintenance and timing then overall yield.


hmmm well if your looking at whats going to grow you the fastest. then hydros is where u wanna be. :). hydros is way faster then soil. due to the fact that the plants can take up the maximum food they need and oxygent .
hmmm well if your looking at whats going to grow you the fastest. then hydros is where u wanna be. :). hydros is way faster then soil. due to the fact that the plants can take up the maximum food they need and oxygent .
Thanks, I have not heard that but it makes sense, and so I guess hydro is what I'll do for the closet.