Grow Cabinets?

Hey, new member here.

I checked the FAQs and didn't notice anything about grow cabinets. I have been looking at a few online that are fairly cheap, and was thinking about getting one. What are some of the more experienced growers thoughts on them? Which ones are good, and are they worth the money? I've seen prices from 700+ depending on how big you want to get.


Well-Known Member
my opinion you can do the same thing with a old dresser and some your self some extra money by building your own thats what i plan on doing that is if you already have lights fans ect. If you have nothing then i would say ya they are worth the price hope this helps


I do not think grow cabinets are worth the money. You can spend a fraction of the cost building your own. Part of the fun of growing is designing/building your grow room. But I do know of one guy who bought a couple off of He has no complaints with them


I would build or convert something also, but i have tools, time and knowledge. The best thing is if you build it you get what you want, not what they wanted. I would look at local auctions always a great place to start, or just go to home depot and get some 2x4's and osb.


Well-Known Member
yes STELTHYs grow cab is a really good read a read it beginning to end a while ago and it was well worth it i would recommend it