Grow Cabinet


Active Member
Hi all,

I've already strated a thread on the topic in the newbie section and I've gotten some good ideas, now I think I've got my finalized setup and I've decided to post it here to make sure there aren't any problems, I attached the layout I drew out.
I have just two questions:
-The room in which I'm going to install my cabinets is always between 20 and 25°C, will the ventilation be enough?
-I plan to start my seedlings in a rock wool cube, and after about two weeks put it in a 3gal pot, which is the biggest I can get, the question is will it be big enough for the plants at the end of their flowering (they could potenially reach 1m60)?
If you can find any other problems don't hesitate to mention them.




Active Member
Thanks for the reply,
I've looked into both, but I found the cooltube to be quite expensive so I'd prefer not using one if possible. As for the yoyos I planned on using them but I was wondering, how long are they?